Search Results

Here you will find brief information about all exile cases relating to the category/ies you searched for, listed by the person/group exiled in alphabetical order. Click on 'View Case' to research each record further.

Results found: 83

Exile Cases

Exile Exile Date Sent From Went To Returned Relationships Office Sources
Eustathius of Antioch (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/363 to: --/--/374)
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374 - ? (from: --/--/374 to: --/--/--) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Bizye [Vize] unknown
Flavius Valens
  • Emperor (374)
Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 6.13.4 (SC 495:310) Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 4.15 (SC 505:67) Theophanes, AM 5861 (de Boor 58).
Rhodanius of Toulouse (male) mid fourth century, died before 360 (from: --/--/355 to: --/--/360)
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Probably after the council of Béziers in 356 (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/--) Tolosa [Toulouse] Phrygia [Central Anatolia] no
Liberius of Rome
  • Bishop (356)
Hilarius of Poitiers
  • Bishop (356)
Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 4.9.3 (SC 418:220); Rufinus, historia ecclesiastica 10.20-21 (GCS 9.2:987-8); Hieronymus, Chronica, ann. 354 (Jeanjean-Lancon, 90); Prosper of Aquitaine, Chronica 1090 (ann. 354) (MGH auct. ant. 9:455); Sulpicius Severus, Chronica 2.39.4 and 2.45.4 (SC 441:314, 332); Faustinus et Marcellinus, libellus precum 24 (SC 504:130); Hilarius of Potiers, in Constantium 11 (SC 334:190)
Paulinus of Trier (male) mid fourth century, died (from: --/--/347 to: --/--/358)
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354 (from: --/--/354 to: --/--/358) Col. Arelate [Arles] Phrygia [Central Anatolia] no
Constantius II
  • Emperor (354)
  • Emperor (354)
  • (358-500)
Hilarius of Poitiers, in Constantium 11 (SC 334:90); Athanasius, apologia ad Constantium 27 (SC 56:119); Athanasius, historia Arianorum 33-4 and 76.3 (Opitz 2:201-2 and 225); Hilarius of Poitiers, Fragmentum historiarum B I.6 (CSEL 65:102); Hilarius of Poitiers, textus narrativus (liber I ad Constantium) 3 (8) (CSEL 65:187); Faustinus et Marcellinus, libellus precum 21 and 77 (SC 504:128 and 180); Hieronymus, chronica, ann. 354 and 358 (Jeanjean-Lancon, 90 and 94); Prosper of Aquitaine, chronica 1090 (ann. 354) and 1102 (ann. 357) (MGH auct. ant. 9:455-6); Rufinus, historia ecclesiastica 10.20-21 (GCS 9.2:987-8); Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 4.9.3 (SC 418:218-20); Sulpicius Severus, Chronica 2.54.4 (SC 441:332); Martyrologium Hieronymianum, Acta Sanctorum Nov. 2.2:478; CIL 13, 3782c=ILCV 1612c
Donatists (male) Date: Unknown
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c. 317 - ? (from: --/--/317 to: --/--/--) Africa [n/a] unknown
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
  • Emperor (c. 317)
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
  • Emperor (after 317)
Optatus 2.15.4 (SC 412) Augustinus, epistula 141.9 (CSEL 44:243)
Hilarius (ascetic) (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
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404 - ? (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/--) Pontus [Anatolia] unknown
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402)
Antonius (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
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404 - ? (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/--) Palaestina [Palestine] unknown
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402)
Eugenius (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
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404 - ? (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/--) unknown
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402)
Philo (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356)
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24/12/358 (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/--) Egypt or Lybia [Egypt or Lybia] Babylon (in Egypt) [Fustat] unknown
  • Anchorite (after 24/12/358)
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
George of Cappadocia
  • Bishop (24/12/358)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394) Hieronymus, vita Hilarionis 20 (SC 508:268)
Dracontius (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356)
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24/12/358- (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/--) Egypt or Lybia [Egypt or Lybia] Clysma [Suez] unknown
  • Anchorite (after 24/12/358)
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
George of Cappadocia
  • Bishop (24/12/358)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394) Hieronymus, vita Hilarionis 20 (SC 508:268)
Palladius of Helenopolis (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
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after 404 - ? (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/--) Helenopolis [Hersek] Syene [Aswan] unknown
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402)
Isidorus of Hermopolis (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
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c. 373 - ? (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/--) Hermopolis [El-Ashmunein] Sepphoris/Diocaesarea [n/a] unknown
Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 4.22.35 (SC 530:288) Palladius, Historia Lausiaca 46.2
Timotheus of Maroneia (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
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404 - ? (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/--) Maroneia [Maroneia] Macedonia [Macedonia] unknown
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402)
Ioannes of Lydia (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
View Case
404 - ? (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/--) Lydia [Anatolia] Macedonia [Macedonia] unknown
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402)
Rhodon of Asia (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
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404 - ? (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/--) Asia [Anatolia] Mytilene [Mytilene] unknown
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402)
Gregorius of Lydia (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
View Case
404 - ? (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/--) Lydia [Anatolia] Phrygia [Central Anatolia] unknown
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402)
Lampetius (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
View Case
404 - ? (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/--) Lydia [Anatolia] unknown
  • (404)
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402)
priests adhering to John Chrysostom (male) (from: --/--/-- to: --/--/--)
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404 - ? (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/--) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Arabia and Palestine [Arabia and Palestine] unknown
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402)
Tigrius (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
View Case
404 - ? (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/--) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Mesopotamia [Mesopotamia] unknown
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 8.24 (NPNF)
Egyptian monks from Nitria (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/403 to: --/--/403)
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403 - ? (from: --/--/403 to: --/--/--) Nitriai [Nitria] Proconnesus [Marmara Island] unknown
Palladius, vita Joannis Chrysostomi 8.35 (SC 341:158)
Sallustius (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
View Case
404 - ? (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/--) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Creta [Crete] unknown
Flavius Arcadius
  • Emperor (404)
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402)
Serapion of Heracleia (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
View Case
404 - ? (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/--) Perinthus/Heraclea [unknown] Egypt [Egypt] unknown
Flavius Arcadius
  • Emperor (404)
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402)
Hilarius of Poitiers (male) c. 315 - 368 (from: --/--/315 to: --/--/368)
View Case
356-360 (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/360) Limonum/Pictavi [Poitiers] Phrygia [Central Anatolia] yes
Liberius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (356)
Rhodanius of Toulouse
  • Bishop (356)
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (356)
Ursacius of Singidunum
  • Bishop (356)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (356)
  • Emperor (after September 359)
Bishops of Gaul
  • Bishop (356-360)
Priests in Poitiers
  • presbyter (356-360)
Abra of Poitiers
  • Nun (356-360)
160 Eastern bishops
  • Bishop (September 359)
Ten Nicaean and ten 'heretical' bishops
  • Bishop (after September 359)
Saturninus of Arles
  • Bishop (360)
  • Bishop (360)
Martinus of Tours
  • (360)
Hilarius of Poitiers, liber contra Auxentium 7 (PL 10:614); Hilarius of Poitiers, ad Constantium 2.1-2 (CSEL 65:197-8); Hilarius of Poitiers, in Constantium 2 and 12-15 (SC 334:170 and 192-8); Hilarius of Poitiers, de synodis 1-2, 8 and 63 (PL 10:479-81, 485 and 522-3); Hilarius of Poitiers, de trinitate 1-3, 4.1 and 10.4 (SC 443:202-386, SC 448:12 and SC 462:178); Hilarius of Poitiers, Fragmentum historiarum A.5-9, B.3.2, B.7.1-2, B.7.5-11 and B.8.1-2 (CSEL 65:78-97, 155-6, 164-73 and 174-7); Venantius Fortunatus, vita s. Hilarii 6 (MGH auct. ant. 4.2:3); Hieronymus, chronica, ann. 356 (Jeanjean-Lancon, 92); Hieronymus, de viris illustribus 100 (Ceresa-Gastaldo, 204); Hieronymus, altercatio Luciferiani et orthodoxi 19 (CCSL 79B:48-9); Faustinus et Marcellinus, libellus precum 24 (SC 504:130); Prosper of Aquitaine, chronica 1096 (ann. 356) (MGH auct. ant. 9:455); Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 3.14.41, 4.12.6 and 4.22 (SC 418:138, 242 and 300-312); Sulpicius Severus, chronica 2.42 and 2.45.2-3 (SC 441:322 and 330); Sulpicius Severus, vita Martini 6.7 and 7.1 (SC 133:266); Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.39-40 (SC 493:200-216); Epistula ab episcopis Gallicanis ad orientales episcopos 1-4 (CCSL 148:33-4);
Heraclides (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/373)
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c. 373 - before 380 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/380) Sketis [Wadi El Natrun] Island in Nile Delta [Island in Nile Delta] yes
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 373 - before 380)
daughter of pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • Bishop (c. 373)
Pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • presbyter (c. 373)
Pagans in Egyptian island
  • (c. 373)
other disciples of Antony
  • (between 373 and 380)
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 4.24 (SC 505:100-104) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 6.20 (SC 495:334-340)
other disciples of Antony (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
View Case
c. 373 - before 380 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/380) Sketis [Wadi El Natrun] Island in Nile Delta [Island in Nile Delta] yes
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 373 - before 380)
daughter of pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • (c. 373)
Pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • presbyter (c. 373)
Pagans in Egyptian island
  • (c. 373)
Socrates, ecclesiastical history 4.24 (SC 505:100-104) Sozomenus, ecclesiastical history 6.20 (SC 495:334-340)
Heracleides of Ephesus (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
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after 404 (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/408) Ephesus [Selçuk] Nicomedia [İzmit] yes
Flavius Arcadius
  • Emperor (after 404)
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402)
Sophronius (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
View Case
after 404 (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/408) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Upper Thebaid [Upper Thebaid] unknown
Flavius Arcadius
  • Emperor (after 404)
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402)
Eulysius of Bostra (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
View Case
after 404 - ? (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/--) Bostra/Col. Nova Traiana Alexandriana [Busra] fortress Misphas in Arabia [n/a] unknown
Flavius Arcadius
  • Emperor (after 404)
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402)
Cyriacus of Emesa (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
View Case
after 404 - ? (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/--) Emesa [Homs] Palmyra [Tadmur] unknown
Flavius Arcadius
  • Emperor (after 404)
Flavius Arcadius
  • Emperor (after 404)
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402)
Calandion of Antioch (male) late fifth century (from: --/--/479 to: --/--/485)
View Case
485 - ? (from: --/--/485 to: --/--/--) Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] Oasis Magna/Thebaidos [El-Kharga] n/a
Flavius Zenon
  • Emperor (485)
Evagrius, historia ecclesiastica 3.16 (SC 542:426); Theophanes, AM 5982 (de Boor 133); Chronicle of Zuqnin, Third part, 488-489 (Harrak, 37)
Timotheus Basilicus (Salophacialus) (male) mid/late fifth century (from: --/--/460 to: --/--/476)
View Case
476 - 477 (from: --/--/476 to: --/--/477) Alexandria [Alexandria] Canopus [Aboukir] unknown
Evagrius, historia ecclesiastica 3.11 (SC 542:412) Liberatus, Breviarium 16 Theophanes, AM 5967 (de Boor 121)
Antiochus (presbyter) (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
View Case
c. 373 - before 379 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/379) Armenia [Armenia] yes
Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 4.15.8 (SC 530:238)
Stephanus (presbyter) (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
View Case
404 - ? (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/--) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Arabia [Arabia] unknown
guard of Stephanus
  • (404)
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402)
Hierax (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356)
View Case
24/12/358- (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/--) Egypt or Lybia [Egypt or Lybia] Syene [Aswan] unknown
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394);
Plenius (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356)
View Case
24/12/358- (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/--) Egypt or Lybia [Egypt or Lybia] Ammonia [Marsa Matruh] unknown
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394)
Agathus (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356)
View Case
24/12/358- (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/--) Egypt or Lybia [Egypt or Lybia] unknown [unknown] unknown
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394)
Apollonius (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356)
View Case
24/12/358- (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/--) Egypt or Lybia [Egypt or Lybia] unknown [unknown] unknown
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394)
Astericius (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/362 to: --/--/362)
View Case
362 (from: --/--/362 to: --/--/--) Alexandria [Alexandria] Andropolis [Khirbita] unknown
Ecdicius Olympus
  • praefectus Aegypti (362)
  • (362)
Historia acephala 3.6 (ed. Martin, Albert – SC)
Paulus (Alexandrian presbyter) (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/362 to: --/--/362)
View Case
362 (from: --/--/362 to: --/--/--) Alexandria [Alexandria] Andropolis [Khirbita] unknown
Ecdicius Olympus
  • praefectus Aegypti (362)
Ecdicius Olympus
  • praefectus Aegypti (362)
  • (362)
Historia acephala 3.6 (ed. Martin, Albert – SC)
11 bishops of Egypt (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
View Case
c. 373 - ? (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/--) Egypt [Egypt] Sepphoris/Diocaesarea [n/a] unknown
Vindaonius Magnus
  • comes sacrarum largitionum (c. 373)
Melania the Elder
  • (between 373 and 380)
Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 4.22.35 (SC 530:288) Palladius, Historia Lausiaca 46.2
Clerics at Antioch (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
View Case
c. 373 - ? (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/--) Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] Neocaesarea [Niksar] no
Monks at Antioch
  • (c. 373 - ?)
Flavius Valens
  • Emperor (c. 373)
Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 4.22.36 (SC 530:290)
Monks at Antioch (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
View Case
c. 373 -? (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/--) Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] Neocaesarea [Niksar] no
Flavius Valens
  • Emperor (c. 373)
Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 4.22.36 (SC 530:290)
Evolcius of Samosata (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
View Case
c. 373 - ? (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/--) Samosata [Samsat] Oasis Magna/Thebaidos [El-Kharga] unknown
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 373)
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 373)
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 373)
Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 4.15.8 (SC 530:238)
Instantius (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/385 to: --/--/385)
View Case
385 - ? (from: --/--/385 to: --/--/--) Spain or Gaul [Spain or Gaul] Island of Sylinancis [Isles of Scilly] unknown
Magnus Maximus
  • Emperor (385)
Sulpicius Severus, chronica 2.51.2 (SC 441:344)
Eustathius of Antioch (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/363 to: --/--/374)
View Case
Date: Unknown Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] yes
Flavius Jovianus
  • Emperor (c. 363)
Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 6.13 (SC 495:310) Theophanes, AM 5861 (de Boor 58).
Stephanus (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
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404 - ? (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/--) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Pelusium [near Port Said] unknown
Flavius Arcadius
  • Emperor (404)
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402)
Constantius of Alexandria (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/407 to: --/--/407)
View Case
c. 407 - ? (from: --/--/407 to: --/--/--) Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] Oasis Magna/Thebaidos [El-Kharga] unknown
  • presbyter (c. 407)
Flavius Arcadius
  • Emperor (c. 407)
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 16 (SC 341:310)
Macarius of Egypt (male) c. 300 - 391 (from: --/--/300 to: --/--/391)
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c. 373 - before 380 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/380) Sketis [Wadi El Natrun] Island in Nile Delta [Island in Nile Delta] yes
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 373 - before 380)
daughter of pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • (c. 373)
Pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • presbyter (c. 373)
Pagans in Egyptian island
  • (c. 373)
Macarius of Alexandria
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
other disciples of Antony
  • (between 373 and 380)
Military Commander
  • Strategos
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 4.24 (SC 505:100-104) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 6.20 (SC 495:334-340) Michael Syrus 7.7 (Chabot 1:305)
Macarius of Alexandria (male) c. 300 - 395 (from: --/--/300 to: --/--/395)
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c. 373 - before 380 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/380) Sketis [Wadi El Natrun] Island in Nile Delta [Island in Nile Delta] yes
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 373 - before 380)
daughter of pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • (c. 373)
Pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • presbyter (c. 373)
Pagans in Egyptian island
  • presbyter (c. 373)
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
other disciples of Antony
  • (between 373 and 380)
Military Commander
  • Strategos
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 4.24 (SC 505:100-104) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 6.20 (SC 495:334-340) Michael Syrus 7.7 (Chabot 1:305)
Isidorus (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
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c. 373 - before 380 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/380) Sketis [Wadi El Natrun] Island in Nile Delta [Island in Nile Delta] yes
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 373 - before 380)
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 373 -before 380)
daughter of pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • (c. 373)
Pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • presbyter (c. 373)
Pagans in Egyptian island
  • (c. 373)
Melania the Elder
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
other disciples of Antony
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
Adelphius of Onouphis
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
Ammonius Parotes
  • (between 373 and 380)
11 bishops of Egypt
  • (between 373 and 380)
11 bishops of Egypt
  • (between 373 and 380)
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 4.24 (SC 505:100-104) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 6.20 (SC 495:334-340)
Pambo (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
View Case
c. 373 - before 380 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/380) Sketis [Wadi El Natrun] Island in Nile Delta [Island in Nile Delta] yes
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 373 - before 380)
daughter of pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • Bishop (c. 373)
Pagan priest in Egyptian island
  • presbyter (c. 373)
Pagans in Egyptian island
  • (c. 373)
Melania the Elder
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
other disciples of Antony
  • (between 373 and 380)
Ammonius Parotes
  • (between 373 and 380)
11 bishops of Egypt
  • (between 373 and 380)
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 4.24 (SC 505:100-104) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 6.20 (SC 495:334-340) Palladius, Historia Lausiaca 46.2
Eustathius of Antioch (age of Constantine) (male) early fourth century (from: --/--/325 to: --/--/337)
View Case
326 - c. 337? (from: --/--/326 to: --/--/337) Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] Traianoupolis [Alexandroupoli (Thrace)] no
Woman in Antioch
  • (326-329)
Eulalius of Antioch
  • (326-329)
Eusebius of Nicomedia
  • Bishop (326-329)
Calandion of Antioch
  • Bishop (488/9)
Cyrus of Beroea
  • Bishop (326-329)
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
  • Emperor (326-329)
Flavia Iulia Helena
  • Empress (326-329)
many presbyters and deacons in Antioch
  • presbyter (326-337?)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 4.1, 5.2; Athanasius, de fuga 3.3; Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 1.24.2; Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 2.19.1; Eusebius, vita Constantini 3.59 (SC); Hieronymus, de viris illustribus 85 (Herding 52); Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 2.7; Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 1.22 (SC 501:286); Theophanes, AM 5818 (de Boor 28); Theodorus (Anagnostes) Lector, epitome historiae ecclesiasticae, 435
Hermes (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356)
View Case
24/12/358- (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/--) Egypt or Lybia [Egypt or Lybia] Oasis Magna/Thebaidos [El-Kharga] unknown
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
Marcus of Zygra
  • (after 24/12/358)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394)
Anagamphus (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356)
View Case
24/12/358- (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/--) Egypt or Lybia [Egypt or Lybia] Oasis Magna/Thebaidos [El-Kharga] unknown
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
Marcus of Zygra
  • (after 24/12/358)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394)
Marcus of Zygra (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356)
View Case
24/12/358- (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/--) Zygra [Sidi Barrani] Oasis Magna/Thebaidos [El-Kharga] unknown
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394)
Ammonius Parotes (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/373)
View Case
24/12/358- (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/--) Egypt or Lybia [Egypt or Lybia] unknown [unknown] unknown
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
Melania the Elder
  • (between 373 and 380)
11 bishops of Egypt
  • (between 373 and 380)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394) Palladius, Historia Lausiaca 46.2
Marcus of Philae (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356)
View Case
24/12/358- (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/--) Philae [Aswan] Ammonia [Marsa Matruh] unknown
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394)
Athenodorus (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356)
View Case
24/12/358- (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/--) Egypt or Lybia [Egypt or Lybia] Ammonia [Marsa Matruh] unknown
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
  • (24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394)
Dioscorus (presbyter) (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356)
View Case
24/12/358- (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/--) Egypt or Lybia [Egypt or Lybia] Syene [Aswan] unknown
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394)
Nilammon (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356)
View Case
24/12/358- (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/--) Egypt or Lybia [Egypt or Lybia] Ammonia [Marsa Matruh] unknown
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394)
Eulogius (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
View Case
373 - before 379 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/379) Edessa [Şanlıurfa] Antinoopolis [El Sheikh Ibada] yes
Flavius Valens
  • Emperor (373)
  • (373 - before 379)
bishop of Antinoopolis
  • Bishop (373 - before 379)
Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 4.18 (SC 530:248)
Protogenes (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
View Case
373 - before 379 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/379) Edessa [Şanlıurfa] Antinoopolis [El Sheikh Ibada] yes
Flavius Valens
  • Emperor (373)
bishop of Antinoopolis
  • Bishop (373 - before 379)
boys in Antinoopolis
Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 4.18 (SC 530:248)
19 presbyters and deacons from Alexandria (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
View Case
c. 373 - ? (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/--) Alexandria [Alexandria] Heliopolis [Baalbek] unknown
Population of Alexandria
  • (c. 373)
Vindaonius Magnus
  • comes sacrarum largitionum (c. 373)
Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 4.22.22 (SC 530:282).
Tiberianus (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/385 to: --/--/385)
View Case
385 - ? (from: --/--/385 to: --/--/--) Spain or Gaul [Spain or Gaul] Island of Sylinancis [Isles of Scilly] yes
Magnus Maximus
  • Emperor (385)
  • (385 - ?)
Sulpicius Severus, chronica 2.51.2 (SC 441:344) Hieronymus, de viris illustribus 123
Demetrius of Pisinum (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
View Case
404 - ? (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/--) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Oasis Magna/Thebaidos [El-Kharga] unknown
Flavius Arcadius
  • Emperor (404)
Officers of the prefect in Constantinople
  • (404)
Palladius, Vita Joannis Chrysostomi 20 (SC 341:396-402)
Flavianus of Antioch (male) early sixth century, died 518 (from: --/--/498 to: --/--/518)
View Case
512 - 518 (from: --/--/512 to: --/--/518) Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] Petra [Petra] no
Severus of Antioch
  • Bishop (512)
  • Emperor (512)
monks from Cynegica and Syria Prima
  • Monk (512)
monks of Syria Secunda
  • Monk (512)
Iohannes of Paltus
  • (512)
Marcellinus comes, chronica 512 (MGH 11:98) ; Malalas, chronica 16.11 (Dindorf 400); Evagrius, historia ecclesiastica 3.32 (SC 542:482); Ioannes of Nikiu, chronica 89.70; Theophanes, AM 6004 (de Boor 156); Chronicle of Zuqnin, Third part, 516-517 (Harrak, 48);
Timotheus Aelurus of Alexandria (male) mid fifth century (from: --/--/460 to: --/--/460)
View Case
460 - ? (from: --/--/460 to: --/--/--) Alexandria [Alexandria] Gangra [Çankırı] unknown
Leo of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (460)
Timotheus Basilicus (Salophacialus)
  • Bishop (460)
Gennadius of Constantinople
  • Bishop (after 460)
Apollon (priest)
  • presbyter (after 460)
  • dux Aegypti (460)
Leo (emperor)
  • Emperor (after 460)
Gelasius, Gesta de nomine Acacii (CSEL 35, n. 99:446); Theodorus (Anagnostes) Lector, historia ecclesiastica 380 (GCS N.F. 3:107); Zacharias, historia ecclesiastica 4.7--12, 5.1 (CSCO 83:178-86, 109-211; CSCO 87:124, 128-129, 145); Evagrius, historia ecclesiastica 2.8-11 (SC 542:294); Theophanes, AM 5951-2 (De Boor: 111-112); Michael Syrus 9.1; Collectio Avellana 56.2 (CSEL 35:125); Liberatus, Breviarium 16 (ACO 2.5:125);
Ammonius of Pacnemunis (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/-- to: --/--/--)
View Case
24/12/358-362 (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/362) Pachnamounis [Kom el-Khanziri] Oasis Magna/Thebaidos [El-Kharga] yes
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
Gaius of Thmouis
  • (after 24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
  • (after 24/!2/358)
Marcus of Zygra
  • (after 24/12/358)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394)
Muius (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356)
View Case
24/12/358- (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/--) Egypt or Lybia [Egypt or Lybia] Ammonia [Marsa Matruh] unknown
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
Marcus of Philae
  • (after 24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
  • (24/12/358)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394)
Gaius of Thmouis (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356)
View Case
24/12/358- (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/--) Thmouis [Tell Timai] Oasis Magna/Thebaidos [El-Kharga] unknown
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
Marcus of Zygra
  • (after 24/12/358)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394)
Adelphius of Onouphis (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356)
View Case
24/12/358- (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/--) Onouphis [Maḥallat Minūf] Psinabla [Shandaweil] unknown
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
Melania the Elder
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
Ammonius Parotes
  • (between 373 and 380)
11 bishops of Egypt
  • (between 373 and 380)
George of Cappadocia
  • Bishop (24/12/358)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394) Palladius, Historia Lausiaca 46.2
Psenosiris (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356)
View Case
24/12/358- (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/--) Egypt or Lybia [Egypt or Lybia] Ammonia [Marsa Matruh] unknown
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
Melania the Elder
  • (between 373 and 380)
Adelphius of Onouphis
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
  • (between 373 and 380)
Ammonius Parotes
  • (between 373 and 380)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394); Palladius, Historia Lausiaca 46.2
Barses of Edessa (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
View Case
373 - ? (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/--) Edessa [Şanlıurfa] Arados [Arwad] unknown
Flavius Valens
  • Emperor (373 and later)
Basilius of Caesarea
  • Bishop (c. 377)
Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 4.16 (SC 530: 240-2) Basilius of Caesarea, epistula 264 Michael Syrus 7.8 (Chabot 1:309)
Glycerius (male) late fifth century (from: --/--/472 to: --/--/480)
View Case
474 - ? (from: --/--/474 to: --/--/--) Ravenna [Ravenna] Salona [Solin] unknown
Iulius Nepos
  • magister militum Dalmatiae (474)
Fasti Vindibonensis Priores, s.a. 474; Paschale Campanum, s.a. 474; Auctarium Prosperi Hauniensis 474 (MGH AA 9: 307); Marcellinus comes, chronica a. 474 (MGH AA 11.2:91); Jordanes, Romana 338; Jordanes, Getica 241, (MGH AA 5:43, 120); Anonymus Valesianus 2.7.36 (ed. J. Moreau (Leipzig: Teubner, 1968), 10); John of Antioch, frg. 209 (Mariev, 375); Evagrius, historia ecclesiastica 2.16 (SC 542:304-6); Theophanes, AM 5965; Malchus in Photius, bibliotheca 78;
Marcianus (usurper) (male) late fifth century (from: --/--/469 to: --/--/479)
View Case
c. 479 (from: --/--/479 to: --/--/479) Church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople [Church of the Holy Apostles in Constantinople] Caesarea [Kayseri] yes
Monks in Caesarea in Cappadocia
  • Monk (c. 479)
Candidus in Photius, bibliotheca 79; Theodorus (Anagnostes) Lector, epitome historiae ecclesiasticae 3.419-20 (ed. Hansen, GCS 54 = Neue Folge 3); John of Antioch, fr. 234.4 (Mariev, 430); Evagrius, historia ecclesiastica 3.26 = Eustathius, fr. 3 (SC 542:454); Theophanes AM 5971-2 (De Boor: 127); Suidas P 137 Adler
Marcianus (usurper) (male) late fifth century (from: --/--/469 to: --/--/479)
View Case
c. 479 - c. 484 (from: --/--/479 to: --/--/484) Ancyra [Ankara] Papiriou Castellum [near Tarsus (Turkey)] yes
Flavius Appalius Illus Trocundes
  • magister militum per Orientem (c. 379)
  • patricius (c. 484)
  • (c. 479 - c. 484)
Candidus in Photius, bibliotheca 79; Theodorus (Anagnostes) Lector, epitome historiae ecclesiasticae 3.419-20 (ed. Hansen, GCS 54 = Neue Folge 3); John of Antioch, fr. 234.4 (Mariev, 430); Evagrius, historia ecclesiastica 3.26 = Eustathius, fr. 3 (SC 542:454); Theophanes AM 5971-2 (De Boor: 127); Suidas P 137 Adler
Dioscorus of Alexandria (male) mid fifth cenntury, died 9/454 (from: --/--/431 to: --/--/454)
View Case
451/2 - 9/454 (from: --/--/451 to: --/9/454) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Gangra [Çankırı] no
Proterius of Alexandria
  • presbyter (451/2)
some people in Alexandria
  • (451/2)
Marcianus (emperor)
  • Emperor (451/2)
Iuvenalius of Jerusalem
  • Bishop (451)
Aelia Eudocia
  • Empress (451/2)
Flavius Basiliscus
  • Emperor (between 475 and 476)
Timotheus Aelurus of Alexandria
  • Bishop (between 475 and 476)
Bishop of Gangra
  • Bishop (451/2)
Panopropius of Seleucia
  • Bishop (between 451 and 454)
Paphnutius (abbot)
  • Abbot (between 451 and 454)
Crowd of the clergy and many monks
  • Abbot (between 451 and 454)
Petrus Mongus
  • (between 451 and 454)
Theopistus (deacon)
  • Deacon (between 451 and 454)
Priscus frg. 28 Evagrius, historia ecclesiastica 2.5 (SC 542:256) Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 453 (MGH AA 11.2: 185) Liberatus, Breviarium 14 (ACO 2.5: 123) Theophanes AM 5944-5 (De Boor: 105-108) Zacharias, historia ecclesiastica 3.2 (CSCO 83:154-5, 87:106).
Osius of Cordoba (male) c. 256-358 (from: --/--/256 to: --/--/358)
View Case
355-357 (from: --/--/355 to: --/--/357) Corduba [Córdoba] Sirmium [Sremska Mitrovica] yes
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (355)
  • Bishop (357)
Ursacius of Singidunum
  • Bishop (355)
  • Bishop (357)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (355)
  • Emperor (357)
Deputies of the Eastern bishops and of other priests
  • (357)
Liberius of Rome
  • (357)
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
  • presbyter (357)
Germinius of Sirmium
  • Bishop (357)
Partisans of Eudoxius at Antioch
  • (after 357)
Eudoxius of Antioch
  • Bishop (after 357)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 42-6 (Opitz 2.1:206-10) Athanasius, apologia ad Constantium 27 (SC 56:118-9) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 4.15 (NPNF) Collectio Avellana, epistula 2.32-5 (CSEL 35.1:15)
Athanasius (male) (from: --/--/296 to: 2/5/373)
View Case
18/3/339 - 21/10/346 (from: 18/3/339 to: 21/10/346) Alexandria [Alexandria] yes
Gregorius of Cappadocia
  • Bishop (18/3/339)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (345-6)
Flavius Iulius Constans
  • Emperor (342)
  • Emperor (June 343)
  • Emperor (346)
  • Emperor (345)
Fortunatianus of Aquileia
  • Bishop (easter 345)
Osius of Cordoba
  • Bishop (easter 345)
  • Bishop (c. June 343)
Lucillus of Verona
  • Bishop (easter 345)
Dionysius of Elis
  • Bishop (easter 345)
Vicentius of Capua
  • Bishop (easter 345)
Flavius Eugenius
  • magister officiorum (easter 345)
Maximinus of Trier
  • Bishop (c. June 363)
  • (c. 357)
bishops in Egypt, Lybia and Alexandria
  • Bishop (346)
  • (c. 339)
  • (c. 339)
  • (c. 339)
  • Bishop (343)
Isidorus (presbyter)
  • presbyter (c. 339)
Asclepas of Gaza
  • (344?)
Marcellus of Ancyra
  • (344?)
Lucius of Adrianopolis
  • (344?)
Iulius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (344?)
  • (between 339 and 343)
servant woman
  • (c. 339)
  • presbyter (341)
TRE, s.v. Athanasius Athanasius, apologia ad Constantium Athanasius, apologia secunda Athanasius, indices epistularum festialium 17 (SC) Socrates, Historia ecclesiastica, 4.23
Athanasius (male) (from: --/--/296 to: 2/5/373)
View Case
357 - 21/2/362 (from: --/--/357 to: 21/2/362) Alexandria [Alexandria] Aegyptus [Egypt] yes
George of Cappadocia
  • Bishop (24/2/357)
Monks in Egypt
  • Monk (357 - 362)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (357)
Servatius of Tongern
  • Bishop (c. 357)
  • (c. 357)
  • (c. 357)
Flavius Felicissimus
  • (c. 357)
  • (c. 357)
  • (c. 357)
  • (c. 357)
  • (c. 357)
  • (c. 357)
  • (c. 357)
  • praefectus Aegypti (19/2/362)
  • (362)
  • (c. 357)
Gregorius of Nazianzus, oratio 21.20 Athanasius, apologia ad Constantium 29.3 Athanasius, historia Arianorum 53ff. Ammianus Marcellinus 22.5.3 Historia Acephala 4.1-4 Palladius, historia Lausiaca 63 Festal Index 28, 30, 32 (SC 317: 257-61) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 5.6
Dionysius of Milan (male) died 361/2? (from: --/--/352 to: --/--/361)
View Case
355- before 362 (from: --/--/355 to: 4/2/362) Mediolan(i)um [Milan] Armenia [Armenia] no
Eusebius of Vercelli
  • Bishop (355)
Lucifer of Cagliari
  • Bishop (355)
Auxentius of Milan
  • presbyter (355)
Liberius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (355-356)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (355)
Basilius of Caesarea
  • Bishop (before 370)
Ambrosius of Milan
  • Bishop (perhaps 396)
Ennodius of Pavia
  • Bishop (before 521)
Aurelius of Riditio
  • Bishop (475)
  • (475)
  • Deacon (355)
  • presbyter (355)
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (355)
Ursacius of Singidunum
  • Bishop (355)
Faustinus et Marcellinus , libellus precum 23, collectio Avellana 2 (CSEL 35.1:12); Ambrosius, epistula 63, 68-71, 21a and 18 (PL 16:1207-9, 1012-3) = epistula 75a, 18, extra coll. 14 and 68-71 (CSEL 82.3:93-4 and 271-3); Vita Dionysii 76 (AASS Mai. VI:46, BHL 2168); Hilarius of Poitiers, textus narrativus (Liber I ad Constantium), App. 7.1 and 1.3 (CSEL 65:164 and 186-7); Sulpicius Severus, Chronica 2.39 (CSEL 1:92-3); Athanasius, apologia ad Constantium 27 (SC 56:118-9); Athanasius, de fuga 4 (Opitz 2.1:70-71); Athanasius, historia Arianorum 33.6 and 46.3 (Opitz 2.1:201 and 210); Rufinus, historia ecclesiastica 10.21 (GCS 9.2.2:987-8); Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.36 (PG 67:300-302); Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 4.9.3-4 (GCS 50:148); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.15.4 (GCS 19:129); Prosper of Aquitaine, epitoma chronicon 1091 (MGH auct. ant. 9, chronica minora 1:455); Liberius, epistula, in Hilarius, Fragmentum historiarum, App. VII.1 (CSEL 65:164-6); Hieronymus, chronica, ann. 355 (GCS 47:239-40); Basilius of Caesarea, epistula 197 (Courtonne); Ennodius, carmina 1.21 (MGH auct. ant. 7:255-6); CIL V 6183a; Acta Sanctorum, Nov. 2.2:271 (BHL 2168 and 2169); Catalogus archiepiscorum Mediolanensium, MGH script. 8:102;
Eusebius of Vercelli (male) (from: --/--/-- to: --/--/370)
View Case
355 - 04/02/362 (from: --/--/355 to: 4/2/362) Mediolan(i)um [Milan] Scythopolis/Nysa [Beit She'an] yes
People of Vercelli
People of Novara
People of Ivrea
People of Tortona
Liberius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (after 353)
  • (between 353 and 355)
Lucifer of Cagliari
  • Bishop (355)
  • Bishop (355)
  • Bishop (354)
  • (after 358 - before 362)
  • presbyter (354)
  • presbyter (355)
  • Deacon (354)
  • Deacon (355)
  • (355)
Germinius of Sirmium
  • (355)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (355)
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (355)
Dionysius of Milan
  • Bishop (355)
Ursacius of Singidunum
  • Bishop (355)
Patrophilus of Scythopolis
  • Bishop (355)
  • comes (east)
Clerics (brethren, presbyters and deacons)
  • (355)
Adherents of Patrophilus
  • (355)
agentes in rebus
  • (355)
  • Deacon (356)
  • Exorcist (356)
  • (356)
Inhabitants of Scythopolis
  • (356)
Gregorius of Elvira
  • (c. 359)
  • (c. 359)
The poor in Scythopolis
  • (355-359)
  • (355-362)
  • Bishop
  • Bishop (c. 369/70-396)
Nuns in Scythopolis
  • Nun (c. 355)
Evagrius of Antioch
  • presbyter
  • (before 13/1/366)
Exuperantius of Tortona
  • (between 355 and 362)
Eusebius of Vercelli, epistula 1 ad Constantium (CCSL 9:103); Eusebius of Vercelli, epistula 2 (CCSL 9:104-9); Eusebius of Vercelli, epistula 3 (CCSL 9:110); Eusebius of Vercelli, Appendix II (CCSL 9:119-23); Lucifer of Cagliari, epistula 7 (CCSL 8:319 = CCSL 9:120); Hilarius of Poitiers, textus narrativus (Liber I ad Constantium) 1.3 (CSEL 65:186-7), Hilarius of Poitiers, Fragmentum historiarum, App. VII.1 (CSEL 65:164-5); Sulpicius Severus, Chronica 2.39 (CSEL 1:92-3); Athanasius, apologia ad Constantium 27 (SC 56:118-19); Athanasius, De fuga 4 (Opitz II.1:70-71); Athanasius, historia Arianorum 33.6, 46.3, 76.3 (Opitz II.1:201, 210, 225); Faustinus et Marcellinus, Libellus precum 2.23 (CSEL 35.1:12); Gesta inter Liberium et Felicem 2 (CSEL 35.1:1); Hieronymus, chronica, ann. 355 (GCS 47:239-40); Hieronymus, de viris illustribus 96 (TU 14.1:47); Prosper of Aquitaine, epitoma chronicon (MGH auct. ant. 9, chronica minora 1:455); Rufinus , historia ecclesiastica 10.21, 28 (GCS 9.2:987-8, 991); Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.36, 3.5 (PG 67:301-2, 388); Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 4.9.3-4 , 5.12.1 (GCS 50:148, 210-11); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.15.4, 3.4.2 (GCS 19:129, 179); Epiphanius, Panarion 30.5.2 (GCS 25:339-40); CIL V 6722-3; Inscriptiones Christianae 1049-50 (Diehl);
Liberius of Rome (male) died 366 (from: --/--/336 to: --/--/366)
View Case
356-358 (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/358) Roma [Rome] Beroe [Stara Zagora] yes
Liberius' brothers, the presbyters and fellow bishops of the east
  • (357)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (355/6)
  • Emperor (358)
  • Emperor (357)
  • Emperor (357)
Fortunatianus of Aquileia
  • Bishop (before 354)
  • Bishop (357)
Ursacius of Singidunum
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
Germinius of Sirmium
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
  • Archdeacon (autumn 356)
  • Bishop (356)
  • Bishop (357)
Auxentius of Milan
  • Bishop (356)
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (before 356)
  • Deacon (357)
  • agens in rebus (357)
Eusebius of Vercelli
  • Bishop (353/3)
  • (355-356)
Lucifer of Cagliari
  • Bishop (354)
  • (355-6)
Dionysius of Milan
  • (355-356)
Demophilus of Constantinople
  • Bishop (357)
  • cubicularius (357)
All the bishops of Campania
  • Bishop (357)
People of Rome
  • (356)
Deputation from the Western Bishops
  • Bishop (357)
Deputies of the Eastern bishops and of other priests
  • (357)
  • Bishop (357)
  • presbyter (357)
Eusebia (Empress)
  • Empress (355/6)
Eusebius (eunuch)
  • praepositus sacri cubiculi (355/6)
Noblewomen of Rome
  • (357/8)
  • Deacon (356)
  • agens in rebus (358)
  • Empress (358)
Osius of Cordoba
  • (357)
Hilarius of Poitiers
  • Bishop (356)
Rhodanius of Toulouse
  • Bishop (356)
ICUR, NS 9, 24831 Hilarius of Poitiers, coll. Antiar. Paris., B VII (CSEL 65:164-73) Eusebius of Vercelli, epistula 2.4.2 (CCSL 9:106) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 4.11 and 15 (NPNF) Theoderetus, historia ecclesiastica 2.17 (SC 501:412). Ammianus Marcellinus 15.7.6-10 Gesta inter Liberium et Felicem, collectio Avellana 1-3 (CSEL 35.1:1-2) Rufinus, historia ecclesiastica 10.23 and 28 (Mommsen, 988 and 990-91) Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.37.91-4 Liberius, epistula 3.1 (CCSL 9:123) Hieronymus, de viris illustribus 97 (TU 14.1:47) Athanasius, historia Arianorum 36-41 (Opitz 2.1:203-6) Athanasius, apologia contra Arianos 89 Liber Pontificalis 37 (MGH Gesta pontificum Romanorum 1:77-9) CLE 00787 = ICUR-09, 24831 (p 389) = ILCV 00967 (em) = AE 2007, +00127 Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 4.3
Lucifer of Cagliari (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/353 to: --/--/370)
View Case
355 - 04/02/362 (from: --/--/355 to: 4/2/362) Mediolan(i)um [Milan] Germanikeia [Kahramanmaraş] yes
Liberius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (354)
  • Bishop of Rome (355-6)
  • presbyter (354)
  • presbyter (355)
  • Deacon (354)
  • Deacon (355)
Eusebius of Vercelli
  • Bishop (354)
  • Bishop (354)
  • Bishop (355)
  • (after 358 - before 362)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (354)
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (355)
Dionysius of Milan
  • Bishop (355)
Eudoxius of Antioch
  • Bishop (355-358)
  • Deacon (c. 358-before 362)
Eutychius of Eleutheropolis
  • Bishop (c. 358- before 362)
Hilarius of Poitiers
  • (end of 358)
  • magister officiorum (359-361)
  • agens in rebus (359-361)
  • Deacon (around 362 at latest)
  • Deacon (around 362 at latest)
Ursacius of Singidunum
  • Bishop (355)
Anonymi in Eleutheropolis
  • (c. 358)
Paulinus of Antioch
  • Bishop (362)
Liberius, epistula 1-3, in: Eusebius of Vercelli, Appendix II B.1-2 (CCSL 9:122-3); Hilarius of Poitiers, Fragmentum historiarum, Appendix II A, VII; II B (CSEL 65:164-5, 187); Hilarius of Poitiers, de synodis 77 (PL 10:530); Hilarius of Poitiers, apologetica ad reprehensores libri de synodis 3 and 6 (PL 10:546-7); Florentius, epistula ad Luciferum and Lucifer of Cagliari, epistula ad Florentium (CCSL 8:305); Lucifer of Cagliari, epistula 3-4 and 6 (CCSL 8:306-10 and 316-18); Lucifer of Cagliari, epistula 7 (CCSL 8:319 = CCSL 9:120); Lucifer of Cagliari, de non conveniendo cum haereticis (CCSL 8:165-92); Lucifer of Cagliari, de Athanasio (CCSL 8:3-132); Lucifer of Cagliari, de regibus apostaticis (CCSL 8:135-61); Lucifer of Cagliari, moriundum esse pro Dei filio (CCSL 8:265-300); Rufinus, historia ecclesiastica 10.21, 28, 31 (GCS 9.2.2:987, 991, 994); Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.36, 3.5, 3.9 (PG 67:301, 388, 465); Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 3.15.7, 4.9.3-4, 5.12-13, 7.3.6 (GCS 50:126, 148, 210-12, 304); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.15.4, 3.4.2 (GCS 19:129, 179); Athanasius, apologia ad Constantium 27 (SC 56:118-19); Athanasius, De fuga 4 (Opitz II.1:70-71); Athanasius, historia Arianorum 33-34 and 46 (Opitz II.1:201-2 and 210); Athanasius, tomus ad Antiochenus 9 (PG 26:808); Gesta inter Liberium et Felicem 1, collectio Avellana 1 (CSEL 35.1:1); Faustinus et Marcellinus, Libellus precum 22-23, 63, 85, 89, 109, collectio Avellana 2 (CSEL 35.1:12, 23, 31-2, 39); Hieronymus, chronica, ann. 355 (GCS 47:239-40); Hieronymus, de viris illustribus 95 (TU 14.1:53); Prosper of Aquitaine, epitoma chronicon, ann. 354 (MGH auct. ant. 9, chronica minora 1:455); Sulpicius Severus, chronica 2.39 (CSEL 1:92); Vita Dionysii 76 (AASS Mai. VI:46, BHL 2168); Faustinus et Marcellinus, libellus precum 84, 86, 88, 109, Collectio Avellana 2 (CSEL 35.1:30-31, 39); Photius, bibliotheca 258 (483a) (Henry, 94);

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