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Pancratius view the social network for this person / group

Gender male
Lifetime mid fourth century (from: --/--/354 to: --/--/355)
Lifetime Notes
Reference PCBE 2 Pancratius 1, 1581-2
Biographical Notes Priest, Roman legate. Aka PCBE 2, Eutropios, 724
  • Exiles

    Exile 1

    Exile Date 355-? (from: --/--/355 to: --/--/--)
    Sent From Mediolan(i)um [Milan]
    Exiled To unknown [unknown]
    Returned unknown
    Sources Hilarius of Poitiers, Fragmentum historiarum A.VII (CSEL 65:93); Lucifer, Pancratius et Hilarius, epistula, in Eusebius of Vercelli, Appendix II.A.1-2 (CCSL 9:120); Hieronymus, de viris illustribus 95 (TU 14.1:46); Lucifer of Cagliari, de regibus apostaticis 5 (CCSL 8:145); Athanasius, historia Arianorum 41.1-2 (Opitz II.1:206); Hieronymus, chronica, ann. 355 (GCS 47:240); Prosper of Aquitaine, chronica, ann. 354 (MGH auct. ant. 9, chronica minora 1:455);