Exile Case

Here you will find information about an individual exile case and links which enable you to view exile locations on a map as well as visualise the relationships between people and groups using a network diagram.
Person/Group Dioscorus of Alexandria ( view the social network for this person / group )
Exile Date 451/2 - 9/454 (from: --/--/451 to: --/9/454)
Sources Priscus frg. 28 Evagrius, historia ecclesiastica 2.5 (SC 542:256) Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 453 (MGH AA 11.2: 185) Liberatus, Breviarium 14 (ACO 2.5: 123) Theophanes AM 5944-5 (De Boor: 105-108) Zacharias, historia ecclesiastica 3.2 (CSCO 83:154-5, 87:106).

Locations view exile locations

Location of exile's previous office Alexandria [Alexandria]
Location exiled from Constantinopolis [Istanbul]
Location exiled to Gangra [Çankırı]
Location(s) arrived at Gangra [Çankırı]
Date of arrival 451/2 (from: --/--/451 to: --/--/452)
Relationship to location alien place
Type of location settlement
Reason for leaving n/a
Location(s) exile returned to
Location of office after return

Activities in Exile

Activities Related to Doctrine
Died in exile? yes
Reason for death unknown
Writings in Exile unknown

Legal details

Threat only no
Refuge from judicial proceedings no
Consequence of asylum no
Offenses exiled for/accused of
Legal type of exile unknown
Additional punishments
Intended duration permanent
Actual duration permanent
Returned? no
Reason for return
Deposed by synod? yes
Synod deposed by Council of Chalcedon 8/10 - 1/11/451 (from: 8/10/451 to: 1/11/451)
Returned by synod? n/a
Synod returned by

Religious status, office and affiliation

Religious status before exile clerical
Religious status during exile ??
Religious status after return n/a
Clerical or ascetic office before exile bishop
Clerical or ascetic office during exile
Clerical or ascetic office after return n/a
Enforced rank change? n/a
Religious affiliation before exile
Religious affiliation during exile
Religious affiliation after return
Died in exile? yes
Reason for death unknown


Venerated as a saint? confessor, martyr in the monophysite church
Date Date: Unknown
Notes Severus of Antioch, epistula 6.4.9, anno 537 Victor of Tunnuna, chronicon, ad annum 541
Cult site
Place of the bishops in Alexandria Zacharias, historia ecclesiastica 5.4 https://archive.org/stream/cu31924027994726#page/n119/mode/2up Locations: Alexandria [Alexandria]Alexandria [Alexandria] Date: between 475 and 476 (from: --/--/475 to: --/--/476)

Exile Relationships: Interactions

    some people in Alexandria

  • Interaction Date 451/2 (from: --/--/-- to: --/--/--)
    Interaction Location Alexandria [Alexandria]
    Religious Affiliation (at time of relationship with exile)
    Religious Status (at time of relationship with exile) unknown
    Relationship Quality support
    Other Interaction Type
    Yes (demand return)
  • Iuvenalius of Jerusalem

  • Interaction Date 451 (from: --/--/451 to: --/--/--)
    Interaction Location Chalcedon [Kadiköy]
    Office Bishop
    Religious Affiliation (at time of relationship with exile)
    Religious Status (at time of relationship with exile) unknown
    Relationship Quality conflict
    Responsible for exile (or exile threat)
  • Proterius of Alexandria

  • Interaction Date 451/2 (from: --/--/451 to: --/--/452)
    Interaction Location
    Office presbyter
    Religious Affiliation (at time of relationship with exile)
    Religious Status (at time of relationship with exile) unknown
    Relationship Quality conflict
    Successor in post
  • Marcianus (emperor)

  • Interaction Date 451/2 (from: --/--/451 to: --/--/452)
    Interaction Location
    Office Emperor
    Religious Affiliation (at time of relationship with exile)
    Religious Status (at time of relationship with exile) lay
    Relationship Quality conflict
    Responsible for exile (or exile threat)
  • Aelia Eudocia

  • Interaction Date 451/2 (from: --/--/451 to: --/--/452)
    Interaction Location
    Office Empress
    Religious Affiliation (at time of relationship with exile)
    Religious Status (at time of relationship with exile) lay
    Relationship Quality support
    Notes Theophanes AM 4945
    Other Interaction Type
    Yes (Supporter)
  • Bishop of Gangra

  • Interaction Date 451/2 (from: --/--/451 to: --/--/452)
    Interaction Location Gangra [Çankırı]
    Office Bishop
    Religious Affiliation (at time of relationship with exile)
    Religious Status (at time of relationship with exile) cleric
    Relationship Quality conflict?
    Notes Theopist, Vit. Diosc. § 13 (F. Nau, “Histoire de Dioscore, patriarche d’Alexandrie, écrite par son disciple Théopiste”, Journal Asiatique. Dixième Série, 1, 1903, 5-108 and 241-310); Diosc., Paneg. Macarius Tkow XIV, 1 (D. W. Johnson ed., A Panegyric on Macarius, Bishop of Tkôw, attributed to Dioscorus of Alexandria (CSCO 415. SC. 4. 2), Louvain 1980)
  • Panopropius of Seleucia

  • Interaction Date between 451 and 454 (from: --/--/451 to: --/--/454)
    Interaction Location Gangra [Çankırı]
    Office Bishop
    Religious Affiliation (at time of relationship with exile)
    Religious Status (at time of relationship with exile) cleric
    Relationship Quality support
    Notes Diosc., Paneg. Macarius Tkow, § 12
  • Paphnutius (abbot)

  • Interaction Date between 451 and 454 (from: --/--/451 to: --/--/454)
    Interaction Location Gangra [Çankırı]
    Office Abbot
    Religious Affiliation (at time of relationship with exile)
    Religious Status (at time of relationship with exile) cleric
    Relationship Quality support
    Notes Theopist., Vit. Diosc. § 17; Diosc., Paneg. Macarius Tkow, Praef.
  • Crowd of the clergy and many monks

  • Interaction Date between 451 and 454 (from: --/--/451 to: --/--/454)
    Interaction Location Gangra [Çankırı]
    Office Abbot
    Religious Affiliation (at time of relationship with exile)
    Religious Status (at time of relationship with exile) cleric
    Relationship Quality support
    Notes Iohan. Ruf., Pleroph. XXVI and LXV bis (F. Nau ed., Jean Rufus, Phlérophories. Témoignages et révélations contre le Concile de Chalcédoine, PO 8, Paris 1911)
  • Petrus Mongus

  • Interaction Date between 451 and 454 (from: --/--/451 to: --/--/454)
    Interaction Location Gangra [Çankırı]
    Religious Affiliation (at time of relationship with exile)
    Religious Status (at time of relationship with exile) cleric
    Relationship Quality support
    Notes Eutych., Ann. 105, col. 1056 (L. Cheikho ed., Eutychii Patriarchae Alexandrini Annales. CSCO. Script. Arab. III, Paris 1906-1909); cf. Theopist., Vit. Diosc. § 6
  • Theopistus (deacon)

  • Interaction Date between 451 and 454 (from: --/--/451 to: --/--/454)
    Interaction Location Gangra [Çankırı]
    Office Deacon
    Religious Affiliation (at time of relationship with exile)
    Religious Status (at time of relationship with exile) cleric
    Relationship Quality support
    Notes brings letter to Palestinian councilTheopistus, Vita Dioscori: he seems to have followed the bishop voluntarily.
    Companion Messenger
    Yes Yes
  • Flavius Basiliscus

  • Interaction Date between 475 and 476 (from: --/--/475 to: --/--/476)
    Interaction Location
    Office Emperor
    Religious Affiliation (at time of relationship with exile)
    Religious Status (at time of relationship with exile) lay
    Relationship Quality support
    Responsible Relic
  • Timotheus Aelurus of Alexandria

  • Interaction Date between 475 and 476 (from: --/--/475 to: --/--/476)
    Interaction Location Alexandria [Alexandria]
    Office Bishop
    Religious Affiliation (at time of relationship with exile)
    Religious Status (at time of relationship with exile) cleric
    Relationship Quality support
    Responsible Relic

Other Relationships: Contacts of an exiled Person/Group's contacts'
