Exile Case

Here you will find information about an individual exile case and links which enable you to view exile locations on a map as well as visualise the relationships between people and groups using a network diagram.
Person/Group Rhodanius of Toulouse (PCBE 4, Rhodanius 1, 1610) ( view the social network for this person / group )
Exile Date Probably after the council of Béziers in 356 (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/--)
Sources Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 4.9.3 (SC 418:220); Rufinus, historia ecclesiastica 10.20-21 (GCS 9.2:987-8); Hieronymus, Chronica, ann. 354 (Jeanjean-Lancon, 90); Prosper of Aquitaine, Chronica 1090 (ann. 354) (MGH auct. ant. 9:455); Sulpicius Severus, Chronica 2.39.4 and 2.45.4 (SC 441:314, 332); Faustinus et Marcellinus, libellus precum 24 (SC 504:130); Hilarius of Potiers, in Constantium 11 (SC 334:190)

Locations view exile locations

Location of exile's previous office Tolosa [Toulouse]
Location exiled from Tolosa [Toulouse]
Location exiled to Phrygia [Central Anatolia]
Location(s) arrived at Phrygia [Central Anatolia]
Date of arrival (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/--)
Relationship to location alien place
Type of location region
Reason for leaving n/a
Location(s) exile returned to
Location of office after return

Activities in Exile

Activities Related to Doctrine
Died in exile? yes
Reason for death unknown
Writings in Exile no

Legal details

Threat only no
Refuge from judicial proceedings no
Consequence of asylum no
Offenses exiled for/accused of Opposition against Arianism
Legal type of exile exilium, relegatio
Additional punishments
Intended duration permanent
Actual duration permanent
Returned? no
Reason for return
Deposed by synod? n/a
Synod deposed by
Returned by synod? n/a
Synod returned by

Religious status, office and affiliation

Religious status before exile clerical
Religious status during exile ??
Religious status after return n/a
Clerical or ascetic office before exile bishop
Clerical or ascetic office during exile
Clerical or ascetic office after return n/a
Enforced rank change? n/a
Religious affiliation before exile
Religious affiliation during exile
Religious affiliation after return
Died in exile? yes
Reason for death unknown


Venerated as a saint? No
Date (from: --/--/-- to: --/--/--)
Cult site

Exile Relationships: Interactions

    Liberius of Rome

  • Interaction Date 356 (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/--)
    Interaction Location Roma [Rome]
    Office Bishop
    Religious Affiliation (at time of relationship with exile)
    Religious Status (at time of relationship with exile) cleric
    Relationship Quality allegiance
    Notes Sulpicius Severus, Chronica 2.39.4 (SC 441:314)
    Other Interaction Type
    Yes (Jointly condemned to exile)
  • Hilarius of Poitiers

  • Interaction Date 356 (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/--)
    Interaction Location Limonum/Pictavi [Poitiers]
    Office Bishop
    Religious Affiliation (at time of relationship with exile)
    Religious Status (at time of relationship with exile) cleric
    Relationship Quality allegiance
    Notes Sulpicius Severus, Chronica 2.39.4 (SC 441:314)
    Other Interaction Type
    Yes (Jointly condemned to exile)