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Here you will find brief information about all exile cases relating to the category/ies you searched for, listed by the person/group exiled in alphabetical order. Click on 'View Case' to research each record further.

Results found: 26

Exile Cases

Exile Exile Date Sent From Went To Returned Relationships Office Sources
Musicus (male) mid sixth century (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/565)
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565? - ? (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/--) Africa [n/a] Constantinopolis [Istanbul] unknown
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (565?)
Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 565? (MGH auct. ant. 11:205)
Brumasius (male) mid sixth century (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/565)
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565? - ? (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/--) Africa [n/a] Constantinopolis [Istanbul] unknown
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (565?)
Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 565? (MGH auct. ant. 11:205)
Donatus (male) mid sixth century (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/565)
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565? - ? (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/--) Africa [n/a] Constantinopolis [Istanbul] unknown
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (565?)
Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 565? (MGH auct. ant. 11:205)
Chrysonius (male) mid sixth century (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/565)
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565? - ? (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/--) Africa [n/a] Constantinopolis [Istanbul] unknown
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (565?)
Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 565? (MGH auct. ant. 11:205)
Reparatus of Carthage (male) mid sixth century (from: --/--/552 to: --/--/552)
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552 - 7/1/563 (from: --/--/552 to: 7/1/563) Carthago [Carthage] Euchaita [Beyözü] unknown
  • Deacon (552)
Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 552, 563 (MGH auct. ant. 11:202, 205)
Felix (male) mid sixth century (from: --/--/553 to: --/--/553)
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553 - ? (from: --/--/553 to: --/--/--) monastery at Gillium [n/a] Antinoopolis [El Sheikh Ibada] unknown
Associates of Rusticus and Felix
  • (553 - ?)
Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 553.1 (MGH auct. ant. 11:203) Rusticus, contra Acephalos disputatio pr. (PL 67:1170B)
Associates of Rusticus and Felix (unknown) mid sixth century (from: --/--/553 to: --/--/553)
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553 - ? (from: --/--/553 to: --/--/--) Antinoopolis [El Sheikh Ibada] unknown
Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 553.1 (MGH auct. ant. 11:203) Rusticus, contra Acephalos disputatio pr. (PL 67:1170B)
Primasius of Hadrumetum (male) mid sixth century, died c. 560 (from: --/--/552 to: --/--/560)
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552 - ? (from: --/--/552 to: --/--/--) Hadrumetum [Sousse] Monastery of Acoemetae [n/a] unknown
  • Emperor (552)
Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 552.2 (MGH auct. ant. 11:203).
'302 bishops' (male) late fifth century (from: 25/2/484 to: 22/12/484)
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484 - ? (from: --/--/484 to: --/--/--) North Africa [North Africa] unknown
  • King of the Vandals (December 484)
  • King of the Vandals (December 484)
Victor of Vita, historia persecutionis, 3.20; Notitia Provinciarum et Civitatum Africae, ed. C. Halm, Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae, MGH, AA, III.I (Berlin, 1879), pp.63-71, recapitulatory table; Victor of Tunnuna, chronica, a.479
Victor of Tunnuna (male) mid fifth century (from: --/--/544 to: --/--/570)
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between 544 and 555 (from: --/--/544 to: --/--/555) monastery of Mandracium [n/a] Aegimoeroe islands [Zembra Island] no
Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 555.2 (MGH auct. ant. 11:204)
Theodorus of Cebarsussi (male) mid fifth century (from: --/--/555 to: --/--/565)
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555 - after 565 (from: --/--/555 to: --/--/565) Cebarsussi [unknown] Alexandria [Alexandria] unknown
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (565?)
Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 555.2, 556.2, 565? (MGH auct. ant. 11:204-5)
Rusticus (male) mid sixth century (from: --/--/553 to: --/--/553)
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553 - ? (from: --/--/553 to: --/--/--) Roma [Rome] Antinoopolis [El Sheikh Ibada] unknown
  • (553 - ?)
Associates of Rusticus and Felix
  • (553 - ?)
Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 553.1 (MGH auct. ant. 11:203) Rusticus, contra Acephalos disputatio pr. (PL 67:1170B) ACO 2.3.3, XII-XXIII
Frontinus of Salona (male) mid sixth century (from: --/--/554 to: --/--/562)
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554 - after 562 (from: --/--/554 to: --/--/562) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Antinoopolis [El Sheikh Ibada] unknown
Petrus of Salona
  • (554)
Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 554 and 562 (MGH auct. ant. 11:203, 205)
Elias of Jerusalem (male) early sixth century (from: --/--/457 to: --/--/518)
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516 - c. 518 (from: --/--/516 to: --/--/518) Ierusalem [Jerusalem] Castellum Paraxenense (in Aila?) [Eilat] no
  • dux Palestinae (516)
  • Emperor (516)
  • custos crucis (516)
Severus of Antioch
  • (before 516)
Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 509 (MGH auct. ant. 11:194)
Euphemius of Constantinople (male) late fifth century (from: --/--/490 to: --/--/515)
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496 - 515 (from: --/--/496 to: --/--/515) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Euchaita [Beyözü] no
  • Emperor (496)
Macedonius II of Constantinople
  • (496)
Archdeacon in Constantinople
  • Archdeacon (496)
Ioannes of Nikiu, chronica 89.46; Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 496 (MGH AA 11.2: 192); Theodorus (Anagnostes) Lector, historia ecclesiastica 457 (GCS 53:128); Malalas, chronica 16.11 (Dindorf, 400); Theophanes, AM 5989 (de Boor, 140); Chronicle of Zuqnin, Third part, 488-489, 497-498 (Harrak, 37-8);
46 Bishops from the Vandal Kingdom (male) late fifth century (from: --/--/484 to: --/--/484)
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484 - ? (from: --/--/484 to: --/--/--) North Africa [North Africa] Corsica [Corsica] unknown
  • King of the Vandals (December 484)
  • King of the Vandals (December 484)
Victor of Vita, historia persecutionis, 3.20; Notitia Provinciarum et Civitatum Africae, ed. C. Halm, Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae, MGH, AA, III.I (Berlin, 1879), pp.63-71, recapitulatory table; Victor of Tunnuna, chronica, a.479; Laturculus Regum Vandalorum et Alanorum, 9, MGH AA 13, p.459.
Victor of Tunnuna (male) mid fifth century (from: --/--/544 to: --/--/570)
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between 544 and 555 (from: --/--/544 to: --/--/555) Tunnuna [n/a] Balearic islands [Balearic islands] no
Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 555.2 (MGH auct. ant. 11:204)
Victor of Tunnuna (male) mid fifth century (from: --/--/544 to: --/--/570)
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555 - c. 570 (from: --/--/555 to: --/--/570) Aegimoeroe islands [Zembra Island] Alexandria [Alexandria] no
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (565?)
Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 555.2, 556.2, 565? (MGH auct. ant. 11:204-5)
Gaianus of Alexandria (male) mid sixth century (from: --/--/536 to: --/--/536)
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536 - ? (from: --/--/536 to: --/--/--) Alexandria [Alexandria] Carthago [Carthage] unknown
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (536)
Theodora (empress)
  • Empress (536)
Theodosius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (536)
  • cubicularius (536)
Gaianitians in Alexandria
  • (536)
  • praefectus augustalis (536)
Liberatus, Breviarium 20 (ACO 2.5:135) Historia patriarcharum Alexandrinorum 1.13 (PO 1:455-461) Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 540 (MGH AA 11:199)
Ioannes of Hephaistopolis (male) mid sixth century (from: --/--/536 to: --/--/536)
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536 - ? (from: --/--/536 to: --/--/--) Hephaistopolis [Kayetbai] Fortress Derkos [n/a] no
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (536)
Theodora (empress)
  • Empress (536 and later)
Ioannes of Ephesus
  • (after 536)
Ioannes of Ephesus, Life of Z’ura (PO 17:35) Ioannes of Ephesus, Life of John of Hephaistopolis (PO 18:528-529) Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 540 (MGH AA 11:199)
Eugenius of Carthage (male) late fifth century, died 13/7/505 (from: --/--/480 to: 13/7/505)
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484 - 487 (from: 25/2/484 to: 22/12/487) Carthago [Carthage] Turris Tamalleni [Telmine] yes
  • King of the Vandals (between 481 and 2/484)
Antonius of Tamalluma
  • Bishop (c. 484)
  • King of the Vandals (after 484)
Victor of Vita, historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae 3.34, 42-44 (CSEL 7:89). Notitia Provinciarum et Civitatum Africae, ed. C. Halm, Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae, MGH, AA, III.I (Berlin, 1879), pp.63-71, 1. Gennadius, De Viris Illustribus, 97. Victor of Tunnuna, chronica, a.479. Laterculus regum Vandalorum et Alanorum, ed. T. Mommsen, MGH ASA 13, Chronica Minora 3 (Berlin: 1898), pp.456-60, Augiensis 5:8.
Eparchius Avitus (male) mid fifth century (from: --/--/421 to: --/--/456)
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17/10/456 (from: 17/10/456 to: --/--/--) Placentia [Piacenza] Placentia [Piacenza] no
Flavius Ricimer
  • magister militum (west) (17/10/456)
Eusebius of Milan
  • Bishop (456)
Auctarium Prosperi Hauniensis 456 (MGH auct. ant. 9: 304); Hydatius Lemicus, chronica 183 (s.a. 456); Chronica Gallica 511, no. 628; Theophanes, AM 5948; John of Antioch frg. 225 (Mariev 412); Jordanes, Getica 240 (MGH AA 5:119); Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 456 (MGH AA 11.2:186); Gregorius of Tours, historiae 2.11 (MGH SRM 1.1:61); Evagrius, historia ecclesiastica 2.7; Auctarium Prosperi Hauniensis, s.a. 456;
Dioscorus of Alexandria (male) mid fifth cenntury, died 9/454 (from: --/--/431 to: --/--/454)
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451/2 - 9/454 (from: --/--/451 to: --/9/454) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Gangra [Çankırı] no
Proterius of Alexandria
  • presbyter (451/2)
some people in Alexandria
  • (451/2)
Marcianus (emperor)
  • Emperor (451/2)
Iuvenalius of Jerusalem
  • Bishop (451)
Aelia Eudocia
  • Empress (451/2)
Flavius Basiliscus
  • Emperor (between 475 and 476)
Timotheus Aelurus of Alexandria
  • Bishop (between 475 and 476)
Bishop of Gangra
  • Bishop (451/2)
Panopropius of Seleucia
  • Bishop (between 451 and 454)
Paphnutius (abbot)
  • Abbot (between 451 and 454)
Crowd of the clergy and many monks
  • Abbot (between 451 and 454)
Petrus Mongus
  • (between 451 and 454)
Theopistus (deacon)
  • Deacon (between 451 and 454)
Priscus frg. 28 Evagrius, historia ecclesiastica 2.5 (SC 542:256) Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 453 (MGH AA 11.2: 185) Liberatus, Breviarium 14 (ACO 2.5: 123) Theophanes AM 5944-5 (De Boor: 105-108) Zacharias, historia ecclesiastica 3.2 (CSCO 83:154-5, 87:106).
Silverius of Rome (male) mid sixth century, died 2/12/537 (from: --/--/536 to: 2/12/537)
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3/537 - 2/12/537 (from: --/3/537 to: 2/12/537) Roma [Rome] Patara [Gelemiş] no
Vigilius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (537)
Flavius Belisarius
  • magister militum per orientem (3/537)
Iohannis, subdiaconus regionarius primae regionis
  • Subdeacon (3/537)
  • patricia (3/537)
Xystus, subdiaconus regionarius regionis sextae
  • Subdeacon (3/537)
multitude in Palmaria
  • (12/537)
Bishop of Patara
  • Bishop (537)
Pelagius of Rome
  • (537)
Theodora (empress)
  • Empress
  • Empress
  • Praetorianus (536-7)
  • Scholasticus (536-7)
Liber Pontificalis I:293 (Duchesne) Liberatus, Breviarium 22 (ACO 2.5: 137) Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 542 (MGH auct. ant. 11:200)
Theodosius of Alexandria (male) mid sixth century, died 5/6/567 (from: --/--/536 to: 5/6/567)
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536 - 5/6/567 (from: --/--/536 to: 5/6/567) Alexandria [Alexandria] Fortress Derkos [n/a] no
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (536)
Theodora (empress)
  • Empress (536 and later)
Paulus of Alexandria
  • Abbot (536)
Ioannes of Ephesus
  • (after 536)
300 of the clergy of Theodosius
  • (536 and later)
  • (536 and later)
Ioannes of Hephaistopolis
  • (536 and later)
  • (after 536)
  • (after 536)
Anthimus of Constantinople
  • Bishop (c. 536)
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (536)
Ioannes of Ephesus, Life of Z’ura (PO 17:35) Ioannes of Ephesus, Life of John of Hephaistopolis (PO 18:528-529) Ioannes of Ephesus, Vitae Sanctorum Orientalium 48, 50 (PO 18, 685, 688; PO 19:155) Historia patriarcharum Alexandrinorum 2.13 (PO 1:457) Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 540 (MGH AA 11:199) Liberatus, Breviarium 20, 23 (ACO 2.5:135, 138)
Eutychius of Constantinople (male) c. 512 - 5/4/582 (from: --/--/512 to: 5/4/582)
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565 - 577 (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/577) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Monastery of Choracudis [n/a] yes
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (565)
Ioannes of Constantinople (sixth c.)
  • presbyter (565)
Iustinus II
  • Emperor (577)
Tiberius Constantinus
  • Emperor (577)
Crowd in Constantinople
  • (577)
Married couple in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Petrus (child in Amasea)
  • (between 565 and 577)
presbyter in Amasea
  • presbyter (between 565 and 577)
Nouneches (son of presbyter in Amasea)
  • presbyter (between 565 and 577)
Cyrillus (cleric in Amasea)
  • (between 565 and 577)
son of Cyrillus
  • (between 565 and 577)
boy in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Son of artisan in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Artisan in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Peasant woman in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Son of peasant woman in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Nun in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Young musician in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Son of builder in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Builder in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Young man in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Possessed man in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Crowd in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Ill man in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Ill man from Cumanus
  • (between 565 and 577)
Sight impaired man in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Nun im Amasea with boy
  • (between 565 and 577)
Monks in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Quaestors, procurators and military commanders from Pontus
  • (between 565 and 577)
Imperial messengers
  • (577)
Archbishop of Amasea
  • Bishop (577)
Woman in Euchaita
  • (577)
Son of woman in Euchaita
  • (577)
Crowd in Nicomedia
  • (577)
military guard
  • (c. 565)
Vita S Eutychii Patriarchae 38-71 (PG 86:2317-56) Theophanes, AM 6057 (de Boor 240) Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 566 (MGH 11:205)

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