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Here you will find brief information about all exile cases relating to the category/ies you searched for, listed by the person/group exiled in alphabetical order. Click on 'View Case' to research each record further.

Results found: 21

Exile Cases

Exile Exile Date Sent From Went To Returned Relationships Office Sources
Serras (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/358 to: --/--/358)
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c. 358- (from: --/--/358 to: --/--/--) unknown
Constantius II
  • Emperor (c. 358)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 5.4
Secundus of Ptolemais (male) early fourth century (from: --/--/325 to: --/--/325)
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c. 325 (from: --/--/325 to: --/--/--) Ptolemais/Barkes Limen [Tolmeita] unknown
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
  • Emperor (325)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 1.9-10 (NPNF)
Clerics supporting Basilius of Ancyra (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/360 to: --/--/360)
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c. 360 - ? (from: --/--/360 to: --/--/--) Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] unknown
Basilius of Ancyra
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 5.1
Hypatius (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/380 to: --/--/380)
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380 - ? (from: --/--/380 to: --/--/--) Nicaea [Iznik] Cyrus [Duruca] unknown
Flavius Theodosius
  • Emperor (380)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 9.19
Basilius of Ancyra (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/358 to: --/--/365)
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(from: --/--/360 to: --/--/365) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Illyricum [n/a] no
Acacius of Caesarea
  • Bishop
Flavius Jovianus
  • Emperor
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 5.1 Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 4.24 Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 3.25
Eustathius of Sebaste (male) mid fourth century, died after 377 (from: --/--/355 to: --/--/377)
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(from: --/--/360 to: --/--/361) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] yes
Acacius of Caesarea
  • Bishop
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 5.1
Eunomius of Cyzikus (male) mid fourth century, died c. 395 (from: --/--/335 to: --/--/395)
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370 - c. 378 (from: --/--/370 to: --/--/378) Island of Naxos [Naxos] yes
Domitius Modestus
  • PPO Orientis (370)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 9.11
Dorotheus of Antioch (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/380 to: --/--/407)
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380 - ? (from: --/--/380 to: --/--/388) Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] Thracia [Thrace] yes
Flavius Theodosius
  • Emperor (380)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 9.19
Aetius of Antioch (male) mid fourth century, died 367 (from: --/--/344 to: --/--/367)
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358 or 359 (from: --/--/358 to: --/--/362) Alexandria [Alexandria] Pepouza [unknown] yes
Basilius of Ancyra
  • Bishop (358 or 359)
  • Bishop (359)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (358 or 359)
  • Emperor (359)
  • Emperor (between 360 and 362)
Acacius of Caesarea
  • Bishop (359)
  • Bishop (between 360 and 362)
Eunomius of Cyzikus
  • Bishop (between 360 and 362)
People of Amblada
  • (between 360 and 362)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 4.8, 11-12; 5.1-2; 6.7 (GCS) Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.23 (PG 1038-9)
Maris of Chalcedon (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/360 to: --/--/362)
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325/6 - c. 328 (from: --/--/326 to: --/--/328) Chalcedon [Kadiköy] Gaul [France] yes
Theognis of Nicaea
  • (325/6 - c. 328)
Eusebius of Nicomedia
  • (325/6 - c. 328)
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
  • Emperor (325/6 - c. 328)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 2.7
Theophilus (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/350 to: --/--/364)
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358- (from: --/--/358 to: --/--/--) Nicomedia [Ä°zmit] Heraclea in Pontus [Karadeniz EreÄŸli] unknown
Basilius of Ancyra
  • presbyter (358)
Eustathius of Sebaste
  • Bishop (358)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (358)
women supporting Basilius of Ancyra
  • (358)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 4.8 (PG 65:521)
Theophilus (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/350 to: --/--/364)
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354- before 358 (from: --/--/354 to: --/--/358) Nicomedia [Ä°zmit] unknown [unknown] yes
Fl. Claudius Constantius Gallus
  • Caesar (354)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (354)
  • Emperor (between 354 and 358)
Eusebia (Empress)
  • Empress (between 354 and 358)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 4.1, 7 (PG 65:516-8, 520-21)
Eunomius of Cyzikus (male) mid fourth century, died c. 395 (from: --/--/335 to: --/--/395)
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389 - c. 393 (from: --/--/389 to: --/--/393) Chalcedon [Kadiköy] Halmyris [Murighiol] no
  • (c. 390)
Flavius Theodosius
  • Emperor (389)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 10.6 Hieronymus, de viris illustribus 120 (Herding 62) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 7.17 Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 5.20 (NPNF)
Eusebius of Nicomedia (male) early fourth century, died 341 (from: --/--/330 to: --/--/341)
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325/6 - c. 328 (from: --/--/326 to: --/--/328) Nicomedia [Ä°zmit] Gaul [France] yes
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
  • Emperor (325/6 - c. 328)
Secundus of Ptolemais
  • Bishop (325)
'principal bishops'
  • Bishop (c. 328)
Theognis of Nicaea
  • (325/6 - c. 328)
  • (325/6 - c. 328)
Maris of Chalcedon
  • (325/6 - c. 328)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 1.9-10, 2.7; Gelasius of Cyzicus, historia ecclesiastica I.11 (GCS NF 9:18-25); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 1.19 (NPNF); Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 1.14 (NPNF); Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 2.16 (NPNF), 3.19.3; Opitz, Urkunde 27.16, 36 (Opitz, 125-6, 129);
Macedonius of Constantinople (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/342 to: --/--/360)
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360 - ? (from: --/--/360 to: --/--/--) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] no
Constantius II
  • Emperor (360)
Acacius of Caesarea
  • Bishop (360)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (360)
Acacius of Caesarea
  • Bishop (360)
Faction that had deposed Acacius and his followers
  • (after 360)
Eustathius of Antioch
  • (after 360)
  • (after 360)
  • (after 360)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 5.1 Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.42-3, 45 (NPNF)
Eunomius of Cyzikus (male) mid fourth century, died c. 395 (from: --/--/335 to: --/--/395)
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358-360 (from: --/--/358 to: --/--/360) Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] Midaion [Karahöyük] n/a
Basilius of Ancyra
  • Bishop (358)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (358)
Maris of Chalcedon
  • Bishop
Eudoxius of Antioch
  • Bishop (359)
Aetius of Antioch
  • (359)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 4.5, 4.8 Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.27, p. 160-61 Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 4.13.5-6, p. 156 Gregory of Nyssa, contra Eunomium
Eunomius of Cyzikus (male) mid fourth century, died c. 395 (from: --/--/335 to: --/--/395)
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367 - c. 368 (from: --/--/367 to: --/--/368) Chalcedon [Kadiköy] Mauretania [Mauritania] yes
  • PPO Orientis (367)
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (c. 368)
Domninus of Marcianopolis
  • Bishop (c. 368)
Flavius Valens
  • Emperor (c. 368)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 9.8
Demophilus of Constantinople (male) late fourth century, died 386 (from: --/--/357 to: --/--/386)
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26/11/380 - ? (from: 26/11/380 to: --/--/--) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Beroe [Stara Zagora] n/a
Flavius Theodosius
  • Emperor (380)
Lucius of Alexandria
  • (380 - ?)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 9.19 Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 5.10 Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 7.5, 7.12 (NPNF)
Eustathius of Antioch (age of Constantine) (male) early fourth century (from: --/--/325 to: --/--/337)
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326 - c. 337? (from: --/--/326 to: --/--/337) Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] Traianoupolis [Alexandroupoli (Thrace)] no
Woman in Antioch
  • (326-329)
Eulalius of Antioch
  • (326-329)
Eusebius of Nicomedia
  • Bishop (326-329)
Calandion of Antioch
  • Bishop (488/9)
Cyrus of Beroea
  • Bishop (326-329)
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
  • Emperor (326-329)
Flavia Iulia Helena
  • Empress (326-329)
many presbyters and deacons in Antioch
  • presbyter (326-337?)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 4.1, 5.2; Athanasius, de fuga 3.3; Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 1.24.2; Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 2.19.1; Eusebius, vita Constantini 3.59 (SC); Hieronymus, de viris illustribus 85 (Herding 52); Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 2.7; Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 1.22 (SC 501:286); Theophanes, AM 5818 (de Boor 28); Theodorus (Anagnostes) Lector, epitome historiae ecclesiasticae, 435
Theognis of Nicaea (male) early fourth century (from: --/--/326 to: --/--/329)
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325/6 - c. 328 (from: --/--/326 to: --/--/328) Nicaea [Iznik] Gaul [France] yes
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
  • Emperor (325/6 - c. 328)
Secundus of Ptolemais
  • Bishop (325)
'principal bishops'
  • Bishop (c. 328)
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
  • Emperor (325/6 - c. 328)
  • (325/6 - c. 328)
Maris of Chalcedon
  • (325/6 - c. 328)
Eusebius of Nicomedia
  • (325/6 - c. 328)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 1.9, 2.7; Gelasius of Cyzicus, historia ecclesiastica I.11 (GCS NF 9:18-25); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 1.19 (NPNF); Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 1.14 (NPNF); Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 2.16 (NPNF), 3.19.3; Opitz, Urkunde 27.16, 36 (Opitz, 125-6, 129);
Liberius of Rome (male) died 366 (from: --/--/336 to: --/--/366)
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356-358 (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/358) Roma [Rome] Beroe [Stara Zagora] yes
Liberius' brothers, the presbyters and fellow bishops of the east
  • (357)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (355/6)
  • Emperor (358)
  • Emperor (357)
  • Emperor (357)
Fortunatianus of Aquileia
  • Bishop (before 354)
  • Bishop (357)
Ursacius of Singidunum
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
Germinius of Sirmium
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
  • Archdeacon (autumn 356)
  • Bishop (356)
  • Bishop (357)
Auxentius of Milan
  • Bishop (356)
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (before 356)
  • Deacon (357)
  • agens in rebus (357)
Eusebius of Vercelli
  • Bishop (353/3)
  • (355-356)
Lucifer of Cagliari
  • Bishop (354)
  • (355-6)
Dionysius of Milan
  • (355-356)
Demophilus of Constantinople
  • Bishop (357)
  • cubicularius (357)
All the bishops of Campania
  • Bishop (357)
People of Rome
  • (356)
Deputation from the Western Bishops
  • Bishop (357)
Deputies of the Eastern bishops and of other priests
  • (357)
  • Bishop (357)
  • presbyter (357)
Eusebia (Empress)
  • Empress (355/6)
Eusebius (eunuch)
  • praepositus sacri cubiculi (355/6)
Noblewomen of Rome
  • (357/8)
  • Deacon (356)
  • agens in rebus (358)
  • Empress (358)
Osius of Cordoba
  • (357)
Hilarius of Poitiers
  • Bishop (356)
Rhodanius of Toulouse
  • Bishop (356)
ICUR, NS 9, 24831 Hilarius of Poitiers, coll. Antiar. Paris., B VII (CSEL 65:164-73) Eusebius of Vercelli, epistula 2.4.2 (CCSL 9:106) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 4.11 and 15 (NPNF) Theoderetus, historia ecclesiastica 2.17 (SC 501:412). Ammianus Marcellinus 15.7.6-10 Gesta inter Liberium et Felicem, collectio Avellana 1-3 (CSEL 35.1:1-2) Rufinus, historia ecclesiastica 10.23 and 28 (Mommsen, 988 and 990-91) Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.37.91-4 Liberius, epistula 3.1 (CCSL 9:123) Hieronymus, de viris illustribus 97 (TU 14.1:47) Athanasius, historia Arianorum 36-41 (Opitz 2.1:203-6) Athanasius, apologia contra Arianos 89 Liber Pontificalis 37 (MGH Gesta pontificum Romanorum 1:77-9) CLE 00787 = ICUR-09, 24831 (p 389) = ILCV 00967 (em) = AE 2007, +00127 Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 4.3

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