Exile Locations

Person/Group Pancratius (PCBE 2 Pancratius 1, 1581-2) ( view the social network for this person / group )
Exile Date 355-? (from: --/--/355 to: --/--/--)
Exile Date Notes He could have been recalled, along with the others banished in Milan in 355, in 362 or earlier, but his fate is unknown.
Sources Hilarius of Poitiers, Fragmentum historiarum A.VII (CSEL 65:93); Lucifer, Pancratius et Hilarius, epistula, in Eusebius of Vercelli, Appendix II.A.1-2 (CCSL 9:120); Hieronymus, de viris illustribus 95 (TU 14.1:46); Lucifer of Cagliari, de regibus apostaticis 5 (CCSL 8:145); Athanasius, historia Arianorum 41.1-2 (Opitz II.1:206); Hieronymus, chronica, ann. 355 (GCS 47:240); Prosper of Aquitaine, chronica, ann. 354 (MGH auct. ant. 9, chronica minora 1:455);
