Browse Locations

This browse area lists all locations in the database in alphabetical order: those associated with exiled individuals or groups as place of previous office, place of departure, place of destination, place(s) of arrival, place of return, place of office after return, cult site or relic site, and those associated with an individual or group in contact with an exile at the time of contact. Clicking on an individual location will visualise this location’s place on a map from where you will be able to explore the location further for detail on each exile case associated with it.

Showing 1 to 69 of 69 Browse Locations as a Map

Ancient Place Modern Plce
20 different prisons, including one in Antioch n/a
Abu Menas Mariut
Adurbadagan Iranian Azerbaijan
Aegyptus Egypt
Africa n/a
Alexandria Alexandria
Antinoopolis El Sheikh Ibada
Antiochia/Theoupolis Antakya
Antium Anzio
Apamea Qalaat al-Madiq
Arabia Arabia
Arabia and Palestine Arabia and Palestine
Armenia Armenia
Bethlehem Bethlehem
Callinicum ar-Raqqa
Campania Campania
Canopus Aboukir
Cappadocia Cappadocia
cemetery of Felicitas on the Via Salaria n/a
cemetery of Novella on the Via Salaria n/a
Chalcedon Kadiköy
Chalcis ad Belum Qinnasrin
Col. Arelate Arles
Constantinopolis Istanbul
Dacora unknown
desert beyond Alexandria n/a
desert in North Africa (unlocated) North Africa
Egypt Egypt
Euchaita Beyözü
Gallia France
Gaul France
Hispania Spain
Lilybaeum Marsala
Macedonia Macedonia
Mauretania Mauritania
Mesopotamia Mesopotamia
Monastery in Amasea n/a
Monastery in the palace of Hormisdas Boukoleon Palace
Monastery of Acoemetae n/a
Monastery of Choracudis n/a
Monastery of Dalmatius n/a
Monastery of Dios n/a
monastery of Mandracium n/a
Monastery of Mar Mama at the village of Hzyn in Tysf' unknown
Monastery of Monosteum (in Sicily) unknown
Monastery of Raboula n/a
Monastery of St Adrian in Palermo unknown
Monastery of St. Osias near Chalcedon n/a
Monastery of the Abrahamites n/a
Monastery of the Huts in the district of Claudias unknown
Monastery of the Poplars unknown
Nicomedia İzmit
Nisibis Nusaybin
Oasis Magna/Thebaidos El-Kharga
Palace of the archbishop in Constantinople n/a
Palaestina Palestine
Phrygia Central Anatolia
Pontus Anatolia
Ravenna Ravenna
Scythopolis/Nysa Beit She'an
Sicilia Sicily
Sykai Karaköy
Syria Syria
Taurus district Taurus district
Thracia Thrace
unknown unknown
unknown monastery n/a
unknown monastery in Rome n/a
Upper Thebaid Upper Thebaid