Browse Exile Cases

This browse area lists all exile cases in the database by the name of the exiled individual or group in alphabetical order. Results will display as a list of exile cases each one of which you can then explore further. You will also be able to refine the list further and display statistical information through using the facets on the left hand side.

Showing 1 to 3 of 3

Person/Group Name Exile Date Sent From Went To Returned Previous Office Relationships Sources
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from: 451 to: -- Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Doliche [Dülük] unknown abbot Leo, epistulae 84 (ACO 2.4:44), 93.3 (PL 54:939) Theodorus (Anagnostes) Lector, historia ecclesiastica frg. 356 (GCS n.F. 3:100)
Monastic supporters of Eutyches, Carosus and Dorotheus
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from: 452 to: -- monasteries ‘where they could do no harm’ [n/a] unknown other Leo, epistulae 81 (ACO 2.4:90) and 86 (ACO 2.4:95)
Timotheus Aelurus of Alexandria
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from: 460 to: -- Alexandria [Alexandria] Gangra [Çankırı] unknown bishop Gelasius, Gesta de nomine Acacii (CSEL 35, n. 99:446); Theodorus (Anagnostes) Lector, historia ecclesiastica 380 (GCS N.F. 3:107); Zacharias, historia ecclesiastica 4.7--12, 5.1 (CSCO 83:178-86, 109-211; CSCO 87:124, 128-129, 145); Evagrius, historia ecclesiastica 2.8-11 (SC 542:294); Theophanes, AM 5951-2 (De Boor: 111-112); Michael Syrus 9.1; Collectio Avellana 56.2 (CSEL 35:125); Liberatus, Breviarium 16 (ACO 2.5:125);