Search Results

Here you will find brief information about all exile cases relating to the category/ies you searched for, listed by the person/group exiled in alphabetical order. Click on 'View Case' to research each record further.

Results found: 24

Exile Cases

Exile Exile Date Sent From Went To Returned Relationships Office Sources
Urbanus of Girba (male) Mid fifth century (from: --/--/445 to: --/--/454)
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440 - 454 (from: --/--/440 to: --/--/454) Girba [Houmt El Souk] no
Victor of Vita, Historia persecutionis, 1.22-23
Crescens of Aquitana (male) Mid fifth century (from: --/--/445 to: --/--/454)
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c. 440 - after 454 (from: --/--/440 to: --/--/454) Aquitana [unknown] no
  • King of the Vandals (440)
Victor of Vita, Historia persecutionis, 1.23
Habetdeum of Theudalis (male) Mid fifth century (from: --/--/445 to: --/--/454)
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c. 440 - after 454 (from: --/--/440 to: --/--/454) Theudalis [Henchir-Aouan] no
  • King of the Vandals (mid fifth century)
Victor of Vita, Historia persecutionis, 1.23
Eustratius of Sufes (male) Mid fifth century (from: --/--/445 to: --/--/454)
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c. 440 - after 454 (from: --/--/440 to: --/--/454) Sufes [Sbiba] no
  • King of the Vandals (440)
Victor of Vita, Historia persecutionis, 1.23
Vicis of Sabratha (male) Mid fifth century (from: --/--/445 to: --/--/454)
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c. 440 - after 454 (from: --/--/440 to: --/--/454) Sabratha [Sabratha] no
  • King of the Vandals (445-454)
Victor of Vita, Historia persecutionis, 1.23
Cresconius of Oea (male) Mid fifth century (from: --/--/445 to: --/--/454)
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c. 440 - after 454 (from: --/--/440 to: --/--/454) Oea [Tripoli] no
  • King of the Vandals (440)
Victor of Vita, Historia persecutionis, 1.23
Praesidius of Sufetula (male) late fifth century (from: --/--/483 to: --/--/484)
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483/4 - ? (from: --/--/483 to: --/--/--) Sufetula [Sbeitla] unknown
  • King of the Vandals
Victor of Vita Historia Persecutionis 2.45; Notitia Provinciarum et Civitatum Africae, Byzac. 20
Secundianus of Mimiana (male) late fifth century (from: --/--/483 to: 1/2/484)
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c. 483 - ? (from: --/--/483 to: --/--/--) Vibiana [unknown] unknown
  • King of the Vandals (late fifth century)
Victor of Vita, Historia Persecutionis 2.45
Clerics of Carthage (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/439 to: --/--/439)
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439 - ? (from: --/--/439 to: --/--/--) Carthago [Carthage] unknown
  • King of the Vandals (439)
Victor of Vita, historia persecutionis, 1.16.
around 500 clerics in Carthage, mostly lectors and children (male) late fifth century (from: --/--/484 to: --/--/484)
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c. 484 (from: --/--/484 to: --/--/--) Carthago [Carthage] unknown
  • King of the Vandals (c. 484)
Victor of Vita, historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae 3.34 (CSEL 7:89)
Felix of Hadrumetum (male) Mid fifth century (from: --/--/445 to: --/--/454)
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c. 440 - after 454 (from: --/--/440 to: --/--/454) Hadrumetum/Iustinianopolis [Sousse] n/a
Felix of Hadrumetum
  • King (mid fifth century)
Iohannes (monk)
  • Monk (mid fifth century)
Victor of Vita, Historia persecutionis, 1.23
Muritta (male) late fifth century (from: --/--/484 to: --/--/475)
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484 - ? (from: --/--/484 to: --/--/--) Carthago [Carthage] unknown
around 500 clerics in Carthage, mostly lectors and children
  • Deacon (late fifth century)
Victor of Vita, Historia Persecutionis, 3.34-38
Salutaris (male) late fifth century (from: --/--/484 to: --/--/484)
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484 - ? (from: --/--/484 to: --/--/--) Carthago [Carthage] unknown
around 500 clerics in Carthage, mostly lectors and children
  • Archdeacon (late fifth century)
Victor of Vita, Historia Persecutionis, 3.34-38 (named in 3.35)
presbyters and ministers of Carthage (male) mid fifth century (from: --/--/440 to: --/--/440)
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c. 440 - 474 (from: --/--/440 to: --/--/474) Carthago [Carthage] yes
Flavius Zenon
  • Emperor (474)
  • patricius (474)
  • King of the Vandals (440)
Victor of Vita, Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae 1.51 (CSEL 7:22)
Cyprianus of Unizibira (male) late fifth century (from: --/--/-- to: --/--/--)
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483/4 - ? (from: --/--/483 to: --/--/--) Unizibira / Uluzibbira [Henchir-Zembra] unknown
African clerics (4,966)
  • (late fifth century)
  • King of the Vandals (late fifth century)
Victor of Vita Historia Persecutionis 2.33 Notitia Provinciarum et Civitatum Africae, Byzac. 41
Habetdeum of Thamallula (male) late fifth century (from: --/--/484 to: --/--/484)
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484 - ? (from: --/--/484 to: --/--/--) Tamalluma [unknown] Turris Tamalleni [Telmine] unknown
Antonius of Tamalluma
  • (c. 484)
Victor of Vita, Historia Persecutionis 3.45-46; 53-54 Notitia Provinciarum et Civitatum Africae, Byzac. 55
'302 bishops' (male) late fifth century (from: 25/2/484 to: 22/12/484)
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484 - ? (from: --/--/484 to: --/--/--) North Africa [North Africa] unknown
  • King of the Vandals (December 484)
  • King of the Vandals (December 484)
Victor of Vita, historia persecutionis, 3.20; Notitia Provinciarum et Civitatum Africae, ed. C. Halm, Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae, MGH, AA, III.I (Berlin, 1879), pp.63-71, recapitulatory table; Victor of Tunnuna, chronica, a.479
African bishops (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/429 to: --/--/429)
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After 429 - ? (from: --/--/429 to: --/--/--) Africa [n/a] unknown
  • King of the Vandals (after 429)
  • (after 429)
Victor of Vita, historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae 1.14 (MGH auct. ant. 3.1:4-5)
46 Bishops from the Vandal Kingdom (male) late fifth century (from: --/--/484 to: --/--/484)
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484 - ? (from: --/--/484 to: --/--/--) North Africa [North Africa] Corsica [Corsica] unknown
  • King of the Vandals (December 484)
  • King of the Vandals (December 484)
Victor of Vita, historia persecutionis, 3.20; Notitia Provinciarum et Civitatum Africae, ed. C. Halm, Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae, MGH, AA, III.I (Berlin, 1879), pp.63-71, recapitulatory table; Victor of Tunnuna, chronica, a.479; Laturculus Regum Vandalorum et Alanorum, 9, MGH AA 13, p.459.
African clergy (male) Mid fifth century (from: --/--/439 to: --/--/439)
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439 - ? (from: --/--/439 to: --/--/--) Carthago [Carthage] Neapolis [Naples] unknown
  • King of the Vandals (439)
Quodvultdeus of Carthage
  • Bishop (439)
  • Bishop (439)
Victor of Vita, historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae 1.15 (MGH auct. ant. 3.1:5)
Eugenius of Carthage (male) late fifth century, died 13/7/505 (from: --/--/480 to: 13/7/505)
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484 - 487 (from: 25/2/484 to: 22/12/487) Carthago [Carthage] Turris Tamalleni [Telmine] yes
  • King of the Vandals (between 481 and 2/484)
Antonius of Tamalluma
  • Bishop (c. 484)
  • King of the Vandals (after 484)
Victor of Vita, historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae 3.34, 42-44 (CSEL 7:89). Notitia Provinciarum et Civitatum Africae, ed. C. Halm, Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae, MGH, AA, III.I (Berlin, 1879), pp.63-71, 1. Gennadius, De Viris Illustribus, 97. Victor of Tunnuna, chronica, a.479. Laterculus regum Vandalorum et Alanorum, ed. T. Mommsen, MGH ASA 13, Chronica Minora 3 (Berlin: 1898), pp.456-60, Augiensis 5:8.
Felix of Abbir Maius (male) mid fifth century (from: --/--/1 to: --/--/--)
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480/1 - ? (from: --/--/480 to: --/--/--) Abbir Maius [Henchir el Khandaq] desert in North Africa (unlocated) [North Africa] unknown
African clerics (4,966)
  • (late fifth century)
  • King of the Vandals (late fifth century)
Victor of Vita Historia Persecutionis 2.26-37
African clerics (4,966) (male) mid fifth century (from: --/--/480 to: --/--/483)
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480/1 - ? (from: --/--/480 to: --/--/--) desert in North Africa (unlocated) [North Africa] unknown
  • King of the Vandals (late fifth century)
Victor of Vita Historia Persecutionis 2.26-37
Quodvultdeus of Carthage (male) mid fifth century, died c. 454 (from: --/--/407 to: 24/10/454)
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439 - before 24/10/454 (from: --/--/439 to: 24/10/454) Carthago [Carthage] Neapolis [Naples] no
African clergy
  • (439)
  • (439)
  • King of the Vandals (439)
Victor of Vita, historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae 1.15 (MGH auct. ant. 3.1:5)

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