Exile Case
Here you will find information about an individual exile case and links which enable you to view exile locations on a map as well as visualise the relationships between people and groups using a network diagram.Person/Group | Martinus of Tours (PCBE 4, Martinus 1, 1267-79) ( view the social network for this person / group ) |
Exile Date | c. 356 - 360 (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/360) |
Sources | Sulpicius Severus, Vita Martini 6.4 |
Locations view exile locations
Location of exile's previous office | Mediolan(i)um [Milan] |
Location exiled from | Mediolan(i)um [Milan] |
Location exiled to | |
Location(s) arrived at | Gallinaria [Gallinara] |
Date of arrival | c. 356 (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/--) |
Relationship to location | alien place |
Type of location | island |
Reason for leaving | unknown |
Location(s) exile returned to | Roma [Rome] |
Location of office after return |
Activities in Exile
Activities Related to Doctrine | |
Died in exile? | no |
Reason for death | |
Writings in Exile | unknown |
Legal details
Threat only | no |
Refuge from judicial proceedings | no |
Consequence of asylum | no |
Offenses exiled for/accused of | |
Legal type of exile | unknown |
Additional punishments | |
Intended duration | permanent |
Actual duration | four years or less |
Returned? | yes |
Reason for return | |
Deposed by synod? | no |
Synod deposed by | |
Returned by synod? | unknown |
Synod returned by |
Religious status, office and affiliation
Religious status before exile | ascetic |
Religious status during exile | ?? |
Religious status after return | ascetic |
Clerical or ascetic office before exile | abbot |
Clerical or ascetic office during exile | |
Clerical or ascetic office after return | n/a |
Enforced rank change? | n/a |
Notes on clerical and ascetic office | founder of monastery in Milan |
Religious affiliation before exile | |
Religious affiliation during exile | |
Religious affiliation after return |
Died in exile? | no |
Venerated as a saint? | Yes |
Date | Date: Unknown |
Cult site | |
Relics |
Exile Relationships: Interactions
Interaction Date c. 356 (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/--) Interaction Location Mediolan(i)um [Milan] Office Bishop Religious Affiliation (at time of relationship with exile) Religious Status (at time of relationship with exile) cleric Relationship Quality conflict Notes Responsible for exile (or exile threat) Yes -
Interaction Date c. 356 - 360 (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/360) Interaction Location Gallinaria [Gallinara] Office presbyter Religious Affiliation (at time of relationship with exile) Religious Status (at time of relationship with exile) cleric Relationship Quality support Notes Companion Yes -
Interaction Date 360 (from: --/--/360 to: --/--/--) Interaction Location Roma [Rome] Office Bishop Religious Affiliation (at time of relationship with exile) Religious Status (at time of relationship with exile) cleric Relationship Quality support Notes Other Interaction Type Yes (reason for return)