Browse Person / Group

This browse area lists all persons and groups in the database in alphabetical order, whether they were exiled or just in contact with exiles. ‘Anonymous’ groups indicated by their size are listed first. Results display as a list of person/group records, each one of which you can then explore further. You will also be able to refine the list further and display statistical information through using the facets on the left hand side.

Showing 1 to 100 of 1,178

Person/Group Name Gender Lifetime
Peasant woman in Amasea female late sixth century (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/566)
Nun im Amasea with boy female late sixth century (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/566)
Woman in Euchaita female late sixth century (from: --/--/577 to: --/--/577)
Constantia female early fourth century (from: --/--/313 to: --/--/327)
Eutropia female mid fourth century, died 350/51 (from: --/--/336 to: --/--/350)
Eudaimonis female mid fourth century (from: --/--/360 to: --/--/360)
Shmuni female mid sixth century (from: --/--/536 to: --/--/536)
Marutha female mid sixth century (from: --/--/536 to: --/--/536)
Flavia Iulia Helena female c. 250 - c. 330 (from: --/--/250 to: --/--/330)
Marcella female late fourth century, died c. 410 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/410)
Basilina female early fourth century, died 332/3 (from: --/--/332 to: --/--/333)
Aelia Eudoxia female early fifth century, died 6/10/404 (from: --/--/400 to: 6/10/404)
Olympias female 368 - 408 (from: --/--/368 to: --/--/408)
Pentadia female early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Silvina female early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Virgins female Date: Unknown
Nuns in Scythopolis female mid fourth century (from: --/--/355 to: --/--/355)
women supporting Basilius of Ancyra female mid fourth centuy (from: --/--/358 to: --/--/358)
daughter of pagan priest in Egyptian island female late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
Melania the Elder female c. 340-410 (from: --/--/340 to: --/--/410)
Leontia female after 457 - after 479 (from: --/--/457 to: --/--/479)
Theodora (empress) female mid sixth century (from: --/--/527 to: --/--/548)
nun in Bethlehem female early fifth century (from: --/--/415 to: --/--/415)
Theodogild female late sixth century (from: --/--/567 to: --/--/567)
Abbess in Arles female late sixth century (from: --/--/567 to: --/--/567)
Aelia Sophia female c. 530 - after 601 (from: --/--/530 to: --/--/601)
Antipatra female late sixth century (from: --/--/571 to: --/--/571)
Iuliana female late sixth century (from: --/--/571 to: --/--/571)
ancilla Dei female late sixth century (from: --/--/591 to: --/--/591)
Petronella female late sixth century (from: --/--/593 to: --/--/593)
Honorata female late sixth century (from: --/--/594 to: --/--/594)
Victoria female late sixth century (from: --/--/594 to: --/--/594)
Eusebia female Date: Unknown
Eusebia (Empress) female mid fourth century, died 360 (from: --/--/353 to: --/--/360)
Noblewomen of Rome female Date: Unknown
Constantina female died 354 (from: --/--/335 to: --/--/--)
Abra of Poitiers female mid fourth century, died shortly after 360 (from: --/--/355 to: --/--/360)
Aelia Pulcheria female mid fifth century, died 7/453 (from: --/--/414 to: --/7/453)
Aelia Eudocia female mid fifth century, died 20/10/460 (from: --/--/421 to: 20/10/460)
anonymous exile in Mauretania female Date: Unknown
Licinia Eudoxia female 422 - 462 (from: --/--/422 to: --/--/462)
Woman in Antioch female early fourth century (from: --/--/330 to: --/--/330)
Antonina female c. 484 - after 565 (from: --/--/484 to: --/--/565)
Magna female early sixth century (from: --/--/509 to: --/--/509)
Micina female mid sixth century (from: --/--/559 to: --/--/559)
Theodora female early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Italica female early fifth century (from: --/--/406 to: --/--/406)
Onesicratia female early fifth century (from: --/--/405 to: --/--/405)
Severiana female early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Romula female early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Severa female early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
servant woman female mid fourth century (from: --/--/339 to: --/--/339)
Domnica female late fourth century (from: --/--/364 to: --/--/378)
Susanna female early sixth century (from: --/--/519 to: --/--/519)
Five nuns from Susan's convent female early sixth century (from: --/--/519 to: --/--/519)
Lupicina (Euphemia) female early sixth century, died 527 (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/527)
Aelia Galla Placidia female 390-450 (from: --/--/390 to: 27/11/450)
Mother of Abra of Poitiers female mid fourth century (from: --/--/-- to: --/--/--)
Clotilde female 475 - 545 (from: --/--/475 to: --/--/545)
Brunhilda female c.543 - 613 (from: --/--/543 to: --/--/613)
Isidora female early sixth century (from: --/--/519 to: --/--/519)
Georgia female early sixth century (from: --/--/519 to: --/--/519)
Caesaria female early sixth century (from: --/--/519 to: --/--/519)
the Holy Convents of Virgins of Christ female early sixth century (from: --/--/519 to: --/--/519)
Anastasia the Deaconess female early sixth century (from: --/--/519 to: --/--/519)
Heracliana female early sixth century (from: --/--/519 to: --/--/525)
Anastasia the Hypatissa female early/mid sixth century (from: --/--/522 to: --/--/522)
Eleuthera female Date: Unknown
Seleucia female early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Sabiniana female early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Anicia Faltonia Proba female early fifth century (from: --/--/395 to: --/--/432)
Anicia Iuliana female early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Carteria female early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Chalcidia female early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Asyncritia female early fifth century (from: --/--/405 to: --/--/405)
Euthalia female early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Adolia female early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Bassiana female early fifth century (from: --/--/405 to: --/--/405)
Namaea female early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Amprucla female early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Timotheus of Maroneia male early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Ioannes of Lydia male early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Rhodon of Asia male early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Gregorius of Lydia male early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Lampetius male early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Eleutherus male early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Eugenius male early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
priests adhering to John Chrysostom male (from: --/--/-- to: --/--/--)
Tigrius male early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Stephanus (presbyter) male early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
guard of Stephanus male early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404)
Eusebius of Dorylaeum male mid fifth century (from: --/--/429 to: --/--/451)
Tiberius Constantinus male late sixth century, died 582 (from: --/--/578 to: --/--/582)
Petrus (child in Amasea) male late sixth century (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/565)
presbyter in Amasea male late sixth century (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/566)
Nouneches (son of presbyter in Amasea) male late sixth century (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/566)
Cyrillus (cleric in Amasea) male late sixth century (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/566)
son of Cyrillus male late sixth century (from: --/--/577 to: --/--/--)
boy in Amasea male (from: --/--/577 to: --/--/--)
Son of artisan in Amasea male (from: --/--/577 to: --/--/--)