Search Results

Here you will find brief information about all exile cases relating to the category/ies you searched for, listed by the person/group exiled in alphabetical order. Click on 'View Case' to research each record further.

Results found: 62

Exile Cases

Exile Exile Date Sent From Went To Returned Relationships Office Sources
Verus (male) 498 - (from: --/--/498 to: --/--/--)
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498 - ? (from: --/--/498 to: --/--/--) Caesarodunum [Tours] no
Alaricus II
  • King of the Visigoths (498 -)
Gregorius of Tours, historiae 10.31; Caesarius of Arles, Epistula ad Ruricium 7 (CSEL numbering), in Caesarius of Arles: Life, Testament, Letters, ed. William E. Klingshirn (Liverpool: 1994), p. 83; Sedatus of Nimes, Epistula ad Ruricium 4 (CSEL numbering), in Ruricius of Limoges and Friends: A Collection of Letters from Visigothic Gaul, ed. R. Mathisen (Liverpool: 1999)
Lucifer of Cagliari (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/353 to: --/--/370)
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355 - 04/02/362 (from: --/--/355 to: 4/2/362) Mediolan(i)um [Milan] Germanikeia [Kahramanmaraş] yes
Liberius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (354)
  • Bishop of Rome (355-6)
  • presbyter (354)
  • presbyter (355)
  • Deacon (354)
  • Deacon (355)
Eusebius of Vercelli
  • Bishop (354)
  • Bishop (354)
  • Bishop (355)
  • (after 358 - before 362)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (354)
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (355)
Dionysius of Milan
  • Bishop (355)
Eudoxius of Antioch
  • Bishop (355-358)
  • Deacon (c. 358-before 362)
Eutychius of Eleutheropolis
  • Bishop (c. 358- before 362)
Hilarius of Poitiers
  • (end of 358)
  • magister officiorum (359-361)
  • agens in rebus (359-361)
  • Deacon (around 362 at latest)
  • Deacon (around 362 at latest)
Ursacius of Singidunum
  • Bishop (355)
Anonymi in Eleutheropolis
  • (c. 358)
Paulinus of Antioch
  • Bishop (362)
Liberius, epistula 1-3, in: Eusebius of Vercelli, Appendix II B.1-2 (CCSL 9:122-3); Hilarius of Poitiers, Fragmentum historiarum, Appendix II A, VII; II B (CSEL 65:164-5, 187); Hilarius of Poitiers, de synodis 77 (PL 10:530); Hilarius of Poitiers, apologetica ad reprehensores libri de synodis 3 and 6 (PL 10:546-7); Florentius, epistula ad Luciferum and Lucifer of Cagliari, epistula ad Florentium (CCSL 8:305); Lucifer of Cagliari, epistula 3-4 and 6 (CCSL 8:306-10 and 316-18); Lucifer of Cagliari, epistula 7 (CCSL 8:319 = CCSL 9:120); Lucifer of Cagliari, de non conveniendo cum haereticis (CCSL 8:165-92); Lucifer of Cagliari, de Athanasio (CCSL 8:3-132); Lucifer of Cagliari, de regibus apostaticis (CCSL 8:135-61); Lucifer of Cagliari, moriundum esse pro Dei filio (CCSL 8:265-300); Rufinus, historia ecclesiastica 10.21, 28, 31 (GCS 9.2.2:987, 991, 994); Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.36, 3.5, 3.9 (PG 67:301, 388, 465); Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 3.15.7, 4.9.3-4, 5.12-13, 7.3.6 (GCS 50:126, 148, 210-12, 304); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.15.4, 3.4.2 (GCS 19:129, 179); Athanasius, apologia ad Constantium 27 (SC 56:118-19); Athanasius, De fuga 4 (Opitz II.1:70-71); Athanasius, historia Arianorum 33-34 and 46 (Opitz II.1:201-2 and 210); Athanasius, tomus ad Antiochenus 9 (PG 26:808); Gesta inter Liberium et Felicem 1, collectio Avellana 1 (CSEL 35.1:1); Faustinus et Marcellinus, Libellus precum 22-23, 63, 85, 89, 109, collectio Avellana 2 (CSEL 35.1:12, 23, 31-2, 39); Hieronymus, chronica, ann. 355 (GCS 47:239-40); Hieronymus, de viris illustribus 95 (TU 14.1:53); Prosper of Aquitaine, epitoma chronicon, ann. 354 (MGH auct. ant. 9, chronica minora 1:455); Sulpicius Severus, chronica 2.39 (CSEL 1:92); Vita Dionysii 76 (AASS Mai. VI:46, BHL 2168); Faustinus et Marcellinus, libellus precum 84, 86, 88, 109, Collectio Avellana 2 (CSEL 35.1:30-31, 39); Photius, bibliotheca 258 (483a) (Henry, 94);
Anianus of Antioch (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/359 to: --/--/359)
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359 - ? (from: --/--/359 to: --/--/--) Seleucia ad Calycadnum/Tracheia [Silifke] unknown
Bassidius Lauricius
  • comes et praeses Isauriae (359)
Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.40
Paulus of Alexandria Minor (male) early sixth century (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/518)
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c. 518 - ? (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/--) Alexandria ad Issum [İskenderun] unknown
  • Emperor (c. 518)
Lupicina (Euphemia)
  • Empress (c. 518)
Chronicle of Zuqnin, Third part, 517-518 (Harrak, 50)
Menophanes of Antioch on the Maeander river (male) early sixth century (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/518)
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c. 518 - ? (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/--) Antiochia ad Maeandrum [Kuyucak] unknown
  • Emperor (c. 518)
Lupicina (Euphemia)
  • Empress (c. 518)
Chronicle of Zuqnin, Third part, 517-518 (Harrak, 51)
Alexander Acoemetes (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/420 to: --/--/430)
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c. 420 - ? (from: --/--/420 to: --/--/--) Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] Chalcis ad Belum [Qinnasrin] unknown
magister militum in Antioch
  • magister militum per orientem (c. 520)
Theodotus of Antioch
  • Bishop (c. 420)
brethrens of Alexander Acoemetes
  • Monk (c. 420)
municipal guards
  • (c. 420)
Vita Alexandri Acoemeti 41-2 (PO 6:690-91)
Aetius of Antioch (male) mid fourth century, died 367 (from: --/--/344 to: --/--/367)
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358 or 359 (from: --/--/358 to: --/--/362) Alexandria [Alexandria] Pepouza [unknown] yes
Basilius of Ancyra
  • Bishop (358 or 359)
  • Bishop (359)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (358 or 359)
  • Emperor (359)
  • Emperor (between 360 and 362)
Acacius of Caesarea
  • Bishop (359)
  • Bishop (between 360 and 362)
Eunomius of Cyzikus
  • Bishop (between 360 and 362)
People of Amblada
  • (between 360 and 362)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 4.8, 11-12; 5.1-2; 6.7 (GCS) Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.23 (PG 1038-9)
Datianus (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/509)
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508/9 - 523 (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/523) Byzacena [Tunisia] Sardinia [Sardinia] yes
Fulgentius, epistula 16 Fulgentius, epistula 17
Boethos (male) (from: --/--/-- to: --/--/--)
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508/9 - 523 (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/523) Byzacena [Tunisia] Sardinia [Sardinia] yes
Fulgentius, epistula 16 Fulgentius, epistula 17
Donatists (male) Date: Unknown
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406 - ? (from: --/--/406 to: --/--/--) unknown
Augustinus, epistula 89.2
Ianuarius (male) early sixth century (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/509)
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508/9 - 523 (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/523) Byzacena [Tunisia] Sardinia [Sardinia] yes
Vita Fulgentii, trans. R.B. Eno, Fulgentius: Selected Works (Washington, D.C.: 1997), chapter 17. Fulgentius, epistula 16. Fulgentius, epistula 17.
Eunomius of Cyzikus (male) mid fourth century, died c. 395 (from: --/--/335 to: --/--/395)
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358-360 (from: --/--/358 to: --/--/360) Antiochia/Theoupolis [Antakya] Midaion [Karahöyük] n/a
Basilius of Ancyra
  • Bishop (358)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (358)
Maris of Chalcedon
  • Bishop
Eudoxius of Antioch
  • Bishop (359)
Aetius of Antioch
  • (359)
Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 4.5, 4.8 Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.27, p. 160-61 Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 4.13.5-6, p. 156 Gregory of Nyssa, contra Eunomium
Followers of Eunomius (unknown) Date: Unknown
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21 or 22/3/396 (from: 21/3/396 to: --/--/--) unknown
Flavius Arcadius
  • Emperor (21 or 22/3/396)
Flavius Honorius
  • Emperor (21 or 22/3/396)
Flavius Caesarius
  • PPO Orientis (21 or 22/3/396)
Codex Theodosianus 16.5.31-32
Donatists (male) Date: Unknown
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c. 317 - ? (from: --/--/317 to: --/--/--) Africa [n/a] unknown
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
  • Emperor (c. 317)
Flavius Valerius Constantinus
  • Emperor (after 317)
Optatus 2.15.4 (SC 412) Augustinus, epistula 141.9 (CSEL 44:243)
Albanus (male) early sixth century (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/509)
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508/9 - 523 (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/523) Byzacena [Tunisia] Sardinia [Sardinia] yes
Fulgentius, epistula 16.
Scholasticus (male) early sixth century (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/509)
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508/9 - 523 (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/523) Byzacena [Tunisia] Sardinia [Sardinia] yes
Fulgentius, epistula 17
Victor (male) early sixth century (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/509)
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508/9 - 523 (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/523) Byzacena [Tunisia] Sardinia [Sardinia] yes
Fulgentius, epistula 17
Ianuarius (male) early sixth century (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/509)
View Case
508/9 - 523 (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/523) Byzacena [Tunisia] Sardinia [Sardinia] yes
Fulgentius, epistula 17
Fontius (male) early sixth century (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/509)
View Case
508/9 - 523 (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/523) Byzacena [Tunisia] Sardinia [Sardinia] yes
Fulgentius, epistula 17
Felix (male) early sixth century (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/509)
View Case
508/9 - 523 (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/523) Byzacena [Tunisia] Sardinia [Sardinia] yes
Fulgentius, epistula 17
presbyters and ministers of Carthage (male) mid fifth century (from: --/--/440 to: --/--/440)
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c. 440 - 474 (from: --/--/440 to: --/--/474) Carthago [Carthage] yes
Flavius Zenon
  • Emperor (474)
  • patricius (474)
  • King of the Vandals (440)
Victor of Vita, Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae 1.51 (CSEL 7:22)
Hilarius (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/354 to: --/--/377)
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355-358 or 360/61 (from: --/--/355 to: --/--/360) Mediolan(i)um [Milan] unknown [unknown] yes
Eusebius of Vercelli
  • Bishop (355)
Lucifer of Cagliari
  • Bishop (355)
Dionysius of Milan
  • Bishop (355)
  • presbyter (355)
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (355)
Ursacius of Singidunum
  • Bishop (355)
  • (before 13/1/366)
Hilarius of Poitiers, ad Constantium 1.7 (PL 10:562B) Lucifer, Pancratius et Hilarius, epistula, in Eusebius of Vercelli, Appendix II.A.2 (CCSL 9:120) Hieronymus, de viris illustribus 95 (TU 14.1:46) Lucifer of Cagliari, de regibus apostaticis 5 (CCSL 8:145) Athanasius, historia Arianorum 41.1-2 (Opitz II.1:206) Hieronymus, chronica, ann. 355 (GCS 47:240) Prosper of Aquitaine, chronica, ann. 354 (MGH auct. ant. 9, chronica minora 1:455)
Opilio (male) late sixth century (from: --/--/591 to: --/--/591)
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8/591 - ? (from: --/8/591 to: --/--/--) Church of Venafrum in Campania [Venafro] unknown
Gregorius Magnus
  • Bishop of Rome (8/591)
  • Subdeacon (8/591)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 1.66 (CCSL 140:76)
Servus Dei (male) late sixth century (from: --/--/591 to: --/--/591)
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8/591 - ? (from: --/8/591 to: --/--/--) Church of Venafrum in Campania [Venafro] unknown
Gregorius Magnus
  • Bishop of Rome (8/591)
  • Subdeacon (8/591)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 1.66 (CCSL 140:76)
Crescentius (male) late sixth century (from: --/--/591 to: --/--/591)
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8/591 - ? (from: --/8/591 to: --/--/--) Church of Venafrum in Campania [Venafro] unknown
Gregorius Magnus
  • Bishop of Rome (8/591)
  • Subdeacon (8/591)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 1.66 (CCSL 140:76)
Quodvultdeus (male) early sixth century (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/509)
View Case
508/9 - 523 (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/523) Byzacena [Tunisia] Sardinia [Sardinia] yes
Vita Fulgentii 27, trans. R.B. Eno, Fulgentius: Selected Works (Washington, D.C.: 1997) Fulgentius, epistula 17
Sabinianus (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/415 to: --/--/415)
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early fifth century (from: --/--/415 to: --/--/--) Roma [Rome] Bethlehem [Bethlehem] unknown
  • (early fifth century)
nun in Bethlehem
  • Nun (early fifth century)
Hieronymus, epistula 147.11 (Labourt 8: 131)
Marcellus (male) late sixth century (from: --/--/591 to: --/--/591)
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before 1/591 - ? (from: --/1/591 to: --/--/--) Barunitana ecclesia (in Sicily?) [unknown] Monastery of St Adrian in Palermo [unknown] unknown
  • Subdeacon (1/591)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 1.18 (CCSL 140:17)
ancilla Dei (female) late sixth century (from: --/--/591 to: --/--/591)
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before 5/591 - ? (from: --/5/591 to: --/--/--) Sicilia [Sicily] Monastery of Monosteum (in Sicily) [unknown] unknown
  • Subdeacon (5/591)
Gregorius Magnus
  • Subdeacon (5/591)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 1.42 (CCSL 140:55)
Paulus (male) late sixth century (from: --/--/593 to: --/--/593)
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before 7/593 - ? (from: --/7/593 to: --/--/--) Lilybaeum [Marsala] unknown
Gregorius Magnus
  • Bishop of Rome (7/593)
Gregorius Theodorus
  • Bishop (before 7/593)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 3.49 (CCSL 140:195)
Petronella (female) late sixth century (from: --/--/593 to: --/--/593)
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9/593 - ? (from: --/9/593 to: --/--/--) Lucania [Lucania] Sicilia [Sicily] unknown
Gregorius Magnus
  • Bishop of Rome (9/593)
Gregorius Cyprianus
  • Deacon (9/593)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 4.6 (CCSL 140:222-3)
Honorata (female) late sixth century (from: --/--/594 to: --/--/594)
View Case
? - 7/594 (from: --/7/594 to: --/7/594) Sicilia [Sicily] yes
Leo of Catania
  • Bishop (before 7/594)
Gregorius Magnus
  • Bishop of Rome (7/594)
Husband of Honorata
  • (7/594)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 4.34 (CCSL 140:254)
Victoria (female) late sixth century (from: --/--/594 to: --/--/594)
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9/594 - ? (from: --/9/594 to: --/--/--) Sicilia [Sicily] Sicilia [Sicily] unknown
Gregorius Magnus
  • Bishop of Rome (9/594)
Victor of Palermo
  • Bishop (9/594)
  • defensor (9/594)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 5.4 (CCSL 140:270).
Vitalianus (male) late sixth century (from: --/--/594 to: --/--/594)
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11/594 - ? (from: --/11/594 to: --/--/--) Mediolan(i)um [Milan] Sicilia [Sicily] unknown
Gregorius Magnus
  • Bishop of Rome (11/594)
Constantius of Milan
  • Bishop (11/594)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 5.18 (CCSL 140:285-6).
Presbyters and deacons in Malta (male) late sixth century (from: --/--/598 to: --/--/598)
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10/598 - ? (from: --/10/598 to: --/--/--) Melita [Malta] unknown
Iohannes of Syracuse
  • Bishop (10/598)
Gregorius Magnus
  • Bishop of Rome (10/598)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 9.25 (CCSL 140A:585-6).
a priest at the church of Vibo Valentia (male) mid sixth century (from: --/--/559 to: --/--/559)
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2/559 - ? (from: --/2/559 to: --/--/--) Vibo Valentia [Vibo Valentia] unknown
Pelagius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (559)
Rufinus of Vibo Valentia
  • Bishop (559)
Pelagius, epistula 34 (Gassò and Batlle: 93-95)
Micina (female) mid sixth century (from: --/--/559 to: --/--/559)
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3/559 - ? (from: --/3/559 to: --/--/--) Forum Sempronii [Fossombrone] unknown
Pelagius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (3/559)
Florentinus of Clusium
  • Bishop (3/559)
Pelagius, epistula 47 (Gassò and Batlle: 127-8)
Probinus of Saria, Milanus, Probianus and other pseudo-monks (male) mid sixth century (from: --/--/555 to: --/--/561)
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556/561 - ? (from: --/--/556 to: --/--/--) unknown
Pelagius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (between 556 and 561)
Paulinus Solatinus
  • (between 556 and 561)
Pelagius, epistula 92 (Gassò and Batlle: 219-20)
Hilarus (male) late sixth century (from: --/--/600 to: --/--/601)
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10/7/601 - ? (from: 10/7/601 to: --/--/--) Neapolis [Naples] unknown
Gregorius Magnus
  • Bishop of Rome (10/7/601)
  • Deacon (7/600)
  • Subdeacon (10/7/601)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 11.53 (CCSL 140A:956-7)
Vindicianus (male) early sixth century (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/509)
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508/9 - 523 (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/523) Marazanae [unknown] Sardinia [Sardinia] yes
Fulgentius, epistula 17; Notitia Provinciarum et Civitatum Africae, ed. C. Halm, Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae, MGH, AA, III.I (Berlin, 1879), pp.63-71, Byzacenae 49.
Victorianus (male) early sixth century (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/509)
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508/9 - 523 (from: --/--/508 to: --/--/523) Quaestoriana [unknown] Sardinia [Sardinia] yes
Fulgentius, epistula 17 C. Halm, Historia persecutionis Africanae provinciae, MGH, AA, III.I (Berlin, 1879), pp.63-71, Byzacenae 87.
Lapsed priests, deacons or other clergy (male) late sixth century (from: --/--/591 to: --/--/591)
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5/591 - ? (from: --/5/591 to: --/--/--) Sicilia [Sicily] Sicilia [Sicily] unknown
Gregorius Magnus
  • Bishop of Rome (5/591)
  • Subdeacon (5/591)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 1.42 (CCSL 140:54)
Speciosus (male) late sixth century (from: --/--/594 to: --/--/594)
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before 12/594 - ? (from: --/12/594 to: --/--/--) Ravenna [Ravenna] unknown
Iohannes of Ravenna
  • Bishop (before 12/594)
Romanus of Ravenna
  • Exarch of Italy (before 12/39412)
Gregorius Magnus
  • Bishop of Rome (12/394)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 5.19 (CCSL 140:287-8).
Lucillus of Malta (male) late sixth century (from: --/--/598 to: --/--/598)
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10/598 - ? (from: --/10/598 to: --/--/--) Melita [Malta] unknown
Presbyters and deacons in Malta
  • (10/598)
Iohannes of Syracuse
  • Bishop (10/598)
Gregorius Magnus
  • Bishop of Rome (10/598)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 9.25 (CCSL 140A:585-6).
clerics of Ravenna (male) around 600 (from: --/--/601 to: --/--/601)
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before 2/601 - ? (from: --/2/601 to: --/2/601) Ravenna [Ravenna] Sicilia [Sicily] unknown
Iohannes of Ravenna
  • Bishop (before 2/601)
Romanus of Sicily
  • defensor (before 2/601)
Gregorius Magnus
  • Bishop of Rome (2/601)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 11.24 (CCSL 140A:894-5).
Ianuarius of Malaga (male) late sixth century (from: --/--/590 to: --/--/603)
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589/550 - ? (from: --/--/589 to: --/8/603) Malaca [Malaga] unknown
  • magister militum per Spanias (589/90)
Gregorius Magnus
  • Bishop of Rome (8/603)
Iohannes (defensor)
  • defensor (8/603)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 13.46-7 (CCSL 140A:1052-7).
Stephanus (male) late sixth century (from: --/--/590 to: --/--/603)
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589/550 - ? (from: --/--/589 to: --/8/603) Hispania [Spain] Hispania [Spain] unknown
  • magister militum per Spanias (589/90)
Gregorius Magnus
  • Bishop of Rome (8/603)
Iohannes (defensor)
  • defensor (8/603)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 13.46 (CCSL 140A:1052-5).
Paulinus of Forum Sempronii (male) mid sixth century (from: --/--/559 to: --/--/559)
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before 3/559 - ? (from: --/3/559 to: --/--/--) Forum Sempronii [Fossombrone] unknown
Pelagius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (2-3/559)
  • vir illustris (2-3/559)
  • vir illustris (2-3/559)
Pelagius, epistula 35 (Gassò and Batlle: 96-101)
Romanus (cleric at the church of Teano) (male) mid sixth century (from: --/--/559 to: --/--/559)
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3/559 - ? (from: --/3/559 to: --/--/--) Teanum Sidicinum [Teano (Caserta)] unknown
Pelagius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (3/559)
Constantinus (defensor)
  • defensor (3/599)
Pelagius, epistula 54 (Gassò and Batlle: 143-4)
Pelagius of Rome (male) died 4/3/561 (from: --/--/536 to: 4/3/561)
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554 - before 556 (from: --/--/554 to: --/--/556) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] yes
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (554)
Pelagius, epistula 80.2 (Gassò and Batlle: 197) Pelagius, In defensione trium capitulorum 4 and 6 (Studi e Testi 57: 32, 67, 68).
Volusianus (male) fifth century (from: --/--/488 to: --/--/497)
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c.495/6 (from: --/--/496 to: --/--/--) Caesarodunum [Tours] Tolosa [Toulouse] no
Alaricus II
  • King of the Visigoths (495/6)
Gregorius of Tours, historiae 10.31; ​Ruricius of Limoges, epistula 2.65, in Ruricius of Limoges and Friends: A Collection of Letters from Visigothic Gaul, ed. R. Mathieson (Liverpool: 1999).
Muius (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356)
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24/12/358- (from: 24/12/358 to: --/--/--) Egypt or Lybia [Egypt or Lybia] Ammonia [Marsa Matruh] unknown
  • dux Aegypti (24/12/358)
Marcus of Philae
  • (after 24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
  • (after 24/12/358)
  • (24/12/358)
Athanasius, historia Arianorum 72 (PG 25:780); Athanasius, de fuga 7 (PG 25:653); Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 (SC 501:394)
Flavius Ioannes ('the Cappadocian') (male) mid sixth century (from: --/--/520 to: --/--/548)
View Case
c. 541 - 548 (from: --/--/541 to: --/--/548) Cyzikus [Erdek/Bandirma] Antinoopolis [El Sheikh Ibada] yes
Theodora (empress)
  • Empress (c. 541)
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (548)
Procopius, bellum Persarum 1.25.39-43, 2.30.49-50; Malalas, chronica 480, fr. 47; Procopius, anecdota 17.40-44, 21.5; Marcellinus Comes, additamenta ad chronicon a. 544
Ursicinus of Rome (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/355 to: --/--/381)
View Case
11/366 - 9/367 (from: --/11/366 to: --/8/367) Roma [Rome] yes
followers of Ursicinus
  • (366 - 9/367)
Flavius Valentinianus
  • (366 - 9/367)
Vettius Agorius Praetextatus
  • praefectus urbis Romae (9/367)
  • Bishop of Rome (11/366)
collectio Avellana 1.11, 5 (CSEL 35.1:4, 48) Ammianus Marcellinus 27.3.12-13, 27.9.9 Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 2.23 (NPNF)
Eusebius of Samosata (male) late fourth century, died c. 379 (from: --/--/360 to: --/--/379)
View Case
c. 373 - 378 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/378) Samosata [Samsat] Thracia [Thrace] yes
Flavius Valens
  • Emperor (c. 373)
Lucius of Alexandria
  • Bishop (c. 373)
Imperial messenger
  • (c. 373)
Slave of Eusebius of Samosata
  • (c. 373)
friends of Eusebius of Samosata
  • (c. 373)
Eunomius of Samosata
  • Bishop (c. 373)
Basilius of Caesarea
  • Bishop (c. 373)
  • Bishop (376-377)
Otreius of Melitene
  • Bishop (c. 373)
Paulus the deacon or presbyter
  • Deacon (377)
Gregorius of Nazianzus
  • Bishop (c. 373)
  • Bishop (375)
  • (c. 373)
  • peraequator (375)
  • (375)
Mare of Doliche
  • Bishop (378)
  • Empress (c. 373)
Eudoxius of Antioch
  • Bishop (c. 373)
Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 4.12-13 (NPNF); Basilius of Caesarea, epistula 181-183, 198, 237, 268; Gregorius of Nazianzus, epistula 64-66; Theophanes, AM 5871;
Pancratius (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/354 to: --/--/355)
View Case
355-? (from: --/--/355 to: --/--/--) Mediolan(i)um [Milan] unknown [unknown] unknown
Eusebius of Vercelli
  • Bishop (355)
Lucifer of Cagliari
  • Bishop (355)
Dionysius of Milan
  • Bishop (355)
  • Deacon (355)
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (355)
Ursacius of Singidunum
  • Bishop (355)
Hilarius of Poitiers, Fragmentum historiarum A.VII (CSEL 65:93); Lucifer, Pancratius et Hilarius, epistula, in Eusebius of Vercelli, Appendix II.A.1-2 (CCSL 9:120); Hieronymus, de viris illustribus 95 (TU 14.1:46); Lucifer of Cagliari, de regibus apostaticis 5 (CCSL 8:145); Athanasius, historia Arianorum 41.1-2 (Opitz II.1:206); Hieronymus, chronica, ann. 355 (GCS 47:240); Prosper of Aquitaine, chronica, ann. 354 (MGH auct. ant. 9, chronica minora 1:455);
Barses of Edessa (male) late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373)
View Case
373 - ? (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/--) Edessa [Şanlıurfa] Arados [Arwad] unknown
Flavius Valens
  • Emperor (373 and later)
Basilius of Caesarea
  • Bishop (c. 377)
Theodoret, historia ecclesiastica 4.16 (SC 530: 240-2) Basilius of Caesarea, epistula 264 Michael Syrus 7.8 (Chabot 1:309)
Petrus Mongus (male) late fifth century, died 29/10/490 (from: --/--/454 to: 29/10/490)
View Case
477 - 482 (from: --/--/477 to: --/--/482) Alexandria [Alexandria] Euchaita [Beyözü] yes
Flavius Zenon
  • Emperor (477-482)
Ioannes Talaia
  • Bishop (477-482)
Simplicius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (482)
Acacius of Constantinople
  • Bishop (482)
Theodorus (Anagnostes) Lector, historia ecclesiastica 422-4 (GCS n.F. 3: 117); Theophanes, AM 5976 (de Boor 130); Collectio Avellana, epistula 70.4 (CSEL 35.1:156-7)
Florentius of Epidaurum (male) late sixth century (from: --/--/592 to: --/--/592)
View Case
before 10/592 - after 12/597 (from: --/10/592 to: --/12/597) Epidaurum [Cavtat] unknown
Gregorius Magnus
  • Bishop of Rome (10/592)
Antoninus (subdiaconus)
  • Subdeacon (10/592)
congregation of Epidaurum
  • (12/597)
  • Bishop (before 10/592)
Gregorius Magnus, epistula 3.9-10, 8:11 (MGH Epp 1:169-70, 2:13-14)
Theodosius of Alexandria (male) mid sixth century, died 5/6/567 (from: --/--/536 to: 5/6/567)
View Case
536 - 5/6/567 (from: --/--/536 to: 5/6/567) Alexandria [Alexandria] Fortress Derkos [n/a] no
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (536)
Theodora (empress)
  • Empress (536 and later)
Paulus of Alexandria
  • Abbot (536)
Ioannes of Ephesus
  • (after 536)
300 of the clergy of Theodosius
  • (536 and later)
  • (536 and later)
Ioannes of Hephaistopolis
  • (536 and later)
  • (after 536)
  • (after 536)
Anthimus of Constantinople
  • Bishop (c. 536)
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (536)
Ioannes of Ephesus, Life of Z’ura (PO 17:35) Ioannes of Ephesus, Life of John of Hephaistopolis (PO 18:528-529) Ioannes of Ephesus, Vitae Sanctorum Orientalium 48, 50 (PO 18, 685, 688; PO 19:155) Historia patriarcharum Alexandrinorum 2.13 (PO 1:457) Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 540 (MGH AA 11:199) Liberatus, Breviarium 20, 23 (ACO 2.5:135, 138)
Cyprianus of Thuburbo Maius (male) mid fifth century (from: --/--/411 to: --/--/443)
View Case
435 - 443/4 (from: --/--/435 to: --/--/443) Thuburbo Maius [Henchir-Kasbat] Ancyra [Ankara] unknown
Theodoretus of Cyrrhus
  • Bishop (mid fifth century)
Eusebius of Ancyra
  • Bishop (mid fifth century)
Ibas of Edessa
  • Bishop (mid fifth century)
Sophronius of Constantia / Tella
  • Bishop
Theodoret, epistula 52, 53; Gesta collationis Carthaginiensis I, 135
Liberius of Rome (male) died 366 (from: --/--/336 to: --/--/366)
View Case
356-358 (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/358) Roma [Rome] Beroe [Stara Zagora] yes
Liberius' brothers, the presbyters and fellow bishops of the east
  • (357)
Constantius II
  • Emperor (355/6)
  • Emperor (358)
  • Emperor (357)
  • Emperor (357)
Fortunatianus of Aquileia
  • Bishop (before 354)
  • Bishop (357)
Ursacius of Singidunum
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
Valens of Mursa
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
Germinius of Sirmium
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
  • Archdeacon (autumn 356)
  • Bishop (356)
  • Bishop (357)
Auxentius of Milan
  • Bishop (356)
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (357)
  • Bishop (before 356)
  • Deacon (357)
  • agens in rebus (357)
Eusebius of Vercelli
  • Bishop (353/3)
  • (355-356)
Lucifer of Cagliari
  • Bishop (354)
  • (355-6)
Dionysius of Milan
  • (355-356)
Demophilus of Constantinople
  • Bishop (357)
  • cubicularius (357)
All the bishops of Campania
  • Bishop (357)
People of Rome
  • (356)
Deputation from the Western Bishops
  • Bishop (357)
Deputies of the Eastern bishops and of other priests
  • (357)
  • Bishop (357)
  • presbyter (357)
Eusebia (Empress)
  • Empress (355/6)
Eusebius (eunuch)
  • praepositus sacri cubiculi (355/6)
Noblewomen of Rome
  • (357/8)
  • Deacon (356)
  • agens in rebus (358)
  • Empress (358)
Osius of Cordoba
  • (357)
Hilarius of Poitiers
  • Bishop (356)
Rhodanius of Toulouse
  • Bishop (356)
ICUR, NS 9, 24831 Hilarius of Poitiers, coll. Antiar. Paris., B VII (CSEL 65:164-73) Eusebius of Vercelli, epistula 2.4.2 (CCSL 9:106) Sozomenus, historia ecclesiastica 4.11 and 15 (NPNF) Theoderetus, historia ecclesiastica 2.17 (SC 501:412). Ammianus Marcellinus 15.7.6-10 Gesta inter Liberium et Felicem, collectio Avellana 1-3 (CSEL 35.1:1-2) Rufinus, historia ecclesiastica 10.23 and 28 (Mommsen, 988 and 990-91) Socrates, historia ecclesiastica 2.37.91-4 Liberius, epistula 3.1 (CCSL 9:123) Hieronymus, de viris illustribus 97 (TU 14.1:47) Athanasius, historia Arianorum 36-41 (Opitz 2.1:203-6) Athanasius, apologia contra Arianos 89 Liber Pontificalis 37 (MGH Gesta pontificum Romanorum 1:77-9) CLE 00787 = ICUR-09, 24831 (p 389) = ILCV 00967 (em) = AE 2007, +00127 Philostorgius, historia ecclesiastica 4.3

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