Search Results

Here you will find brief information about all exile cases relating to the category/ies you searched for, listed by the person/group exiled in alphabetical order. Click on 'View Case' to research each record further.

Results found: 7

Exile Cases

Exile Exile Date Sent From Went To Returned Relationships Office Sources
Manichaeans (unknown) (from: --/--/-- to: --/--/--)
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between 384 and 399 - ? (from: --/--/384 to: --/--/--) Roma [Rome] unknown
Siricius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (between 384 and 399)
Liber Pontificalis 40 (Duchesne I:216)
Manichaeans (unknown) (from: --/--/-- to: --/--/--)
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between 492 and 496 - ? (from: --/--/492 to: --/--/--) Roma [Rome] unknown
Gelasius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (between 492 and 496)
Liber Pontificalis 51 (Duchesne I:255)
Cataphrygians (unknown) (from: --/--/-- to: --/--/--)
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between 401 and 407 - ? (from: --/--/401 to: --/--/--) Roma [Rome] unknown monastery [n/a] unknown
Innocentius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (between 401 and 407)
Liber Pontificalis 42 (Duchesne I:220)
Eulalius (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/418 to: --/--/423)
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29/3/419 - 423 (from: 29/3/419 to: --/--/423) Roma [Rome] Campania [Campania] no
collectio Avellana 31-7 (CSEL 35.1:77-84) Liber Pontificalis 44 (Duchesne I:89-92)
Silverius of Rome (male) mid sixth century, died 2/12/537 (from: --/--/536 to: 2/12/537)
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3/537 - 2/12/537 (from: --/3/537 to: 2/12/537) Roma [Rome] Patara [Gelemiş] no
Vigilius of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (537)
Flavius Belisarius
  • magister militum per orientem (3/537)
Iohannis, subdiaconus regionarius primae regionis
  • Subdeacon (3/537)
  • patricia (3/537)
Xystus, subdiaconus regionarius regionis sextae
  • Subdeacon (3/537)
multitude in Palmaria
  • (12/537)
Bishop of Patara
  • Bishop (537)
Pelagius of Rome
  • (537)
Theodora (empress)
  • Empress
  • Empress
  • Praetorianus (536-7)
  • Scholasticus (536-7)
Liber Pontificalis I:293 (Duchesne) Liberatus, Breviarium 22 (ACO 2.5: 137) Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 542 (MGH auct. ant. 11:200)
Anthimus of Constantinople (male) mid fourth century (from: --/--/535 to: --/--/548)
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536 - 548 (from: --/--/536 to: --/--/548) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Monastery in the palace of Hormisdas [Boukoleon Palace] yes
Theodora (empress)
  • Empress (536)
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (548)
Agapitus of Rome
  • Bishop of Rome (536)
Menas of Constantinople
  • Bishop (536)
Ioannes of Ephesus, Vitae Sanctorum Orientalium 48 (PO 18, 686-7) Liber Pontificalis 59 (Duchesne)
Eulalius (male) early fifth century (from: --/--/418 to: --/--/423)
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8/2/419 - 18/3/419 (from: 8/2/419 to: 18/3/419) Roma [Rome] yes
Flavius Honorius
  • Emperor (15/1/419 - 10/4/419)
Aurelius Anicius Symmachus
  • praefectus urbis Romae (29/3/419 - 10/4/419)
corporati and maiores regionum
  • (29/3/419 - 10/4/419)
Flavius Honorius
  • Emperor (3/4/419 - 10/4/419)
people and clergy of Rome
  • (423)
collectio Avellana 20-29 (CSEL 35.1:61-5) Liber Pontificalis 44 (Duchesne I:89-92)

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