Search Results

Here you will find brief information about all exile cases relating to the category/ies you searched for, listed by the person/group exiled in alphabetical order. Click on 'View Case' to research each record further.

Exile Cases

Exile Exile Date Sent From Went To Returned Relationships Office Sources
Conon of Tarsus (male) late sixth century (from: --/--/571 to: --/--/571)
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after 571 - ? (from: --/--/571 to: --/--/571) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Nova Laura of St Sabas [n/a] yes
Ioannes of Constantinople (sixth c.)
  • Bishop (after 571)
  • Abbot (after 571)
Iustinus II
  • Emperor (after 571)
Ioannes of Ephesus, historia ecclesiastica 1.31
Sergius (male) late sixth century (from: --/--/571 to: --/--/571)
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after 571 - ? (from: --/--/571 to: --/--/571) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Monastery of Raboula [n/a] unknown
Ioannes of Constantinople (sixth c.)
  • Bishop (after 571)
monks of Raboula
  • Monk (after 571)
Iustinus II
  • Emperor (after 571)
Ioannes of Ephesus, historia ecclesiastica 2.14 Ioannes of Ephesus, Vitae Sanctorum Orientalium 48, 52 (PO 18:689-90, 19:221)
Antipatra (female) late sixth century (from: --/--/571 to: --/--/571)
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after 571 - ? (from: --/--/571 to: --/--/571) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Chalcedon [Kadiköy] yes
Iustinus II
  • Emperor (after 571)
Ioannes of Ephesus, historia ecclesiastica 2.12 Michael Syrus 10.7
Iuliana (female) late sixth century (from: --/--/571 to: --/--/571)
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after 571 - ? (from: --/--/571 to: --/--/571) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Chalcedon [Kadiköy] yes
Iustinus II
  • Emperor (after 571)
Ioannes of Ephesus, historia ecclesiastica 2.12 Michael Syrus 10.7
Apion (male) early sixth century, died before 533 (from: --/--/503 to: --/--/533)
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510 - 518 (from: --/--/510 to: --/--/518) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Nicaea [Iznik] yes
  • Emperor (510)
  • Emperor (518)
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (518)
Severus of Antioch
  • (between 508 and 510)
Theodorus (Anagnostes) Lector 482 (GCS n.F. 3:137); Marcellinus comes, chronica 510 (MGH auct ant. 11:97); Theophanes, AM 6011 (De Boor, 165); John Lydus, de magistratibus 3.17; Malalas, chronica 411; Chronicon Paschale, s.a. 519
Eutychius of Constantinople (male) c. 512 - 5/4/582 (from: --/--/512 to: 5/4/582)
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565 - 577 (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/577) Constantinopolis [Istanbul] Monastery of Choracudis [n/a] yes
Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus
  • Emperor (565)
Ioannes of Constantinople (sixth c.)
  • presbyter (565)
Iustinus II
  • Emperor (577)
Tiberius Constantinus
  • Emperor (577)
Crowd in Constantinople
  • (577)
Married couple in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Petrus (child in Amasea)
  • (between 565 and 577)
presbyter in Amasea
  • presbyter (between 565 and 577)
Nouneches (son of presbyter in Amasea)
  • presbyter (between 565 and 577)
Cyrillus (cleric in Amasea)
  • (between 565 and 577)
son of Cyrillus
  • (between 565 and 577)
boy in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Son of artisan in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Artisan in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Peasant woman in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Son of peasant woman in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Nun in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Young musician in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Son of builder in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Builder in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Young man in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Possessed man in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Crowd in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Ill man in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Ill man from Cumanus
  • (between 565 and 577)
Sight impaired man in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Nun im Amasea with boy
  • (between 565 and 577)
Monks in Amasea
  • (between 565 and 577)
Quaestors, procurators and military commanders from Pontus
  • (between 565 and 577)
Imperial messengers
  • (577)
Archbishop of Amasea
  • Bishop (577)
Woman in Euchaita
  • (577)
Son of woman in Euchaita
  • (577)
Crowd in Nicomedia
  • (577)
military guard
  • (c. 565)
Vita S Eutychii Patriarchae 38-71 (PG 86:2317-56) Theophanes, AM 6057 (de Boor 240) Victor of Tunnuna, chronica 566 (MGH 11:205)

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