Browse Person / Group
This browse area lists all persons and groups in the database in alphabetical order, whether they were exiled or just in contact with exiles. ‘Anonymous’ groups indicated by their size are listed first. Results display as a list of person/group records, each one of which you can then explore further. You will also be able to refine the list further and display statistical information through using the facets on the left hand side.Showing 1 to 100 of 112
Person/Group Name | Gender | Lifetime |
19 presbyters and deacons from Alexandria | male | late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373) |
a priest at the church of Vibo Valentia | male | mid sixth century (from: --/--/559 to: --/--/559) |
Pagan priest in Egyptian island | male | late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373) |
Paianius | male | early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404) |
Palladius | male | (from: --/--/350 to: --/--/354) |
Palladius | male | (from: --/--/-- to: --/--/--) |
Palladius (bishop) | male | early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404) |
Palladius of Helenopolis | male | early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404) |
Pambo | male | late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373) |
Pancratius | male | mid fourth century (from: --/--/354 to: --/--/355) |
Pancratius | male | mid sixth century (from: --/--/559 to: --/--/559) |
Panopropius of Seleucia | male | mid fifth century (from: --/--/451 to: --/--/451) |
Paphnutius | male | mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356) |
Paphnutius (abbot) | male | mid fifth century (from: --/--/451 to: --/--/451) |
Parmenianus | male | mid fourth century, died 24/6/393 (from: --/--/362 to: 24/6/393) |
Party of monks sent by Cyril | male | mid fifth century (from: --/--/431 to: --/--/450) |
Pascasius | male | late sixth century (from: --/--/601 to: --/--/601) |
Pascasius | male | late fifth century (from: 25/2/484 to: 22/12/484) |
Pascasius | male | late fifth century (from: --/2/484 to: --/12/484) |
Pascentius | male | late fifth century (from: --/2/484 to: --/12/484) |
Pastinatus | male | late fifth century (from: --/2/484 to: --/12/484) |
Pastor (abbot) | male | mid fifth century (from: --/--/450 to: --/--/450) |
Paterius | male | mid fourth century (from: --/--/333 to: --/--/335) |
Patricius | male | early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/406) |
Patricius | male | early sixth century (from: --/--/519 to: --/--/519) |
Patroclus of Arles | male | early fifth century (from: --/--/412 to: --/--/412) |
Patrophilus of Scythopolis | male | mid fourth century (from: --/--/323 to: --/--/361) |
Paulinus of Antioch | male | mid fourth century, died 388 (from: --/--/362 to: --/--/388) |
Paulinus of Forum Sempronii | male | mid sixth century (from: --/--/559 to: --/--/559) |
Paulinus of Trier | male | mid fourth century, died (from: --/--/347 to: --/--/358) |
Paulinus Solatinus | male | mid sixth century (from: --/--/556 to: --/--/561) |
Paulus | male | late sixth century (from: --/--/593 to: --/--/593) |
Paulus | male | late fifth century (from: --/--/484 to: --/--/484) |
Paulus (Alexandrian presbyter) | male | mid fourth century (from: --/--/362 to: --/--/362) |
Paulus I of Antioch | male | early sixth century (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/518) |
Paulus of Alexandria | male | mid sixth century (from: --/--/537 to: --/--/542) |
Paulus of Alexandria Minor | male | early sixth century (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/518) |
Paulus of Antioch | male | late sixth century (from: --/--/571 to: --/--/571) |
Paulus of Callinicum | male | early sixth century (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/518) |
Paulus of Constantinople | male | mid fourth century, d. c. 350 (from: --/--/337 to: --/--/350) |
Paulus of Edessa | male | early sixth century, died 30/10/526 (from: --/--/510 to: 30/10/526) |
Paulus of Ephesus | male | late fifth century (from: --/--/488 to: --/--/488) |
Paulus of Epiphania | male | early sixth century (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/518) |
Paulus the deacon or presbyter | male | late fourth century (from: --/--/377 to: --/--/377) |
Paulus the Jew of Antioch | male | early sixth century (from: --/--/519 to: --/--/519) |
Pelagius | male | c. 350 - 420 (from: --/--/350 to: --/--/420) |
Pelagius (presbyter) | male | early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404) |
Pelagius of Kalenderis | male | early sixth century (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/518) |
Pelagius of Laodicea | male | late fourth century (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/373) |
Pelagius of Rome | male | died 4/3/561 (from: --/--/536 to: 4/3/561) |
Peregrinus | male | late fifth century (from: --/--/484 to: --/--/484) |
Peter of Alinda | male | early sixth century (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/518) |
Peter of Melota | male | early sixth century (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/518) |
Peter of Resh'ayna | male | early sixth century (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/518) |
Peter of the Mandane | male | early sixth century (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/518) |
Petrus | male | late sixth century (from: --/--/591 to: --/--/591) |
Petrus (child in Amasea) | male | late sixth century (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/565) |
Petrus (in Divona) | male | Date: Unknown |
Petrus Fullo | male | late fifth century, died 488 (from: --/--/463 to: --/--/488) |
Petrus Mongus | male | late fifth century, died 29/10/490 (from: --/--/454 to: 29/10/490) |
Petrus of Alexandria | male | late fourth century, died 381 (from: --/--/373 to: --/--/381) |
Petrus of Apamea | male | early sixth , died c. 544 (from: --/--/514 to: --/--/544) |
Petrus of Salona | male | mid sixth century (from: --/--/554 to: --/--/554) |
Pharetrius of Caesarea | male | early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404) |
Philippus (presbyter) | male | early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404) |
Philippus the presbyter | male | early sixth century (from: --/--/519 to: --/--/519) |
Philippus the presbyter and monk | male | early sixth century (from: --/--/519 to: --/--/519) |
Philo | male | mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356) |
Philoxenus | male | early sixth century (from: --/--/519 to: --/--/519) |
Philoxenus of Hierapolis/Mabug | male | early sixth century, died 523 (from: --/--/475 to: --/--/523) |
Phoebadius of Agen | male | mid fourth century (from: --/--/357 to: --/--/392) |
Phoenician presbyters and monks | male | early fifth century (from: --/--/405 to: --/--/405) |
Photinus of Arsinoe | male | early sixth century (from: --/--/518 to: --/--/518) |
Photinus of Sirmium | male | mid fourth century, died 376 (from: --/--/336 to: --/--/376) |
Photius | male | early fifth century (from: --/--/435 to: --/--/435) |
Photius | male | late sixth century, died c. 578/585 (from: --/--/539 to: --/--/578) |
Photius | male | early/mid sixth century (from: --/--/519 to: --/--/519) |
physician | male | early fifth century (from: --/--/406 to: --/--/406) |
Plenius | male | mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356) |
Polybius | male | early fifth century (from: --/--/406 to: --/--/406) |
Porphyrius | male | early fifth century (from: --/--/407 to: --/--/407) |
Porphyrius of Antioch | male | early fifth century (from: --/--/407 to: --/--/407) |
Porphyrius of Rhosos | male | early fifth century (from: --/--/404 to: --/--/404) |
Possessed man in Amasea | male | late sixth century (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/566) |
Possidius of Calama | male | 437 (from: --/--/432 to: --/--/--) |
Postumianus | male | late fourth century (from: --/--/383 to: --/--/383) |
Praesidius of Sufetula | male | late fifth century (from: --/--/483 to: --/--/484) |
Praetorian guards | male | early fifth century (from: --/--/407 to: --/--/407) |
presbyter in Amasea | male | late sixth century (from: --/--/565 to: --/--/566) |
presbyter of Martin | male | mid fourth century (from: --/--/356 to: --/--/356) |
Presbyters and deacons in Malta | male | late sixth century (from: --/--/598 to: --/--/598) |
presbyters and ministers of Carthage | male | mid fifth century (from: --/--/440 to: --/--/440) |
priests adhering to John Chrysostom | male | (from: --/--/-- to: --/--/--) |
Priests in Poitiers | male | Date: Unknown |
Primasius of Hadrumetum | male | mid sixth century, died c. 560 (from: --/--/552 to: --/--/560) |
Primosus | male | mid sixth century (from: --/--/552 to: --/--/552) |
Priscus | male | early sixth century (from: --/--/529 to: --/--/529) |
Probinus | male | late sixth century (from: --/--/571 to: --/--/571) |
Probinus of Saria, Milanus, Probianus and other pseudo-monks | male | mid sixth century (from: --/--/555 to: --/--/561) |
Probus | male | late fifth / early sixth century (from: --/--/502 to: --/--/542) |